Candidates for Least Favorite Female Human Being

Say we wanted to have a poll for the title subject. Who would have to be on the slate to make it a believable poll? Only one restriction, please. Must be alive as of the time you put the name down.

Add to this list if you will:

Sarah Palin
Ann Coulter
Lindsay Lohan
Any Kardashian

So – let me be sure I understand the question.

“Least favorite human being” is the category to which you seek nominations.

And somehow Pol Pot; Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann; Josef Stalin; Lawrence Brewer, John King, and Shawn Berry (dragging death of James Byrd); Dean Corll; Idi Amin; Tomás de Torquemada; or Rasputin never came to mind?

But Sarah Palin did? Palin is not a saint, perhaps, but her worst crime is probably being dumber than a box of dirt. Ann Coulter is full of hate, but so far as I know, she did not ever inflict strappado on another human being. Lindsay Lohan? She’s a pitiable addict who has a gift for acting and an inability to control her addictions that means she’s thrown away the kind of career that others would kill for – but Lohan hasn’t killed anyone, not even herself (yet).


Nancy Grace - she’s truly my least favorite female - even less of a favorite than the OCD control freak I used to work with.

Bricker, he said women…

Phyllis Schlafly?

Bricker, it’s FEMALES.

I’m not a huge fan of Hilary, either.


Michelle Bachman

Which one is Any?

Your pick.

It’s generally recommended to read thread titles before replying to them.:wink:

I want to say Tammy Faye Baker but I just realized she is dead. She must be in heaven now, pointing out the bad people for God.

There must be hundreds of similar female televangelists that I would count as worse than anyone on the OP’s list - those are just unpleasant personalities and most of them aren’t bad to look at at least.

I think Casey Kasem’s wife (whatshername from Cheers) just made the list.

Leona Helmsley. Dead, yes, but likely the biggest bitch in hell.

Jan Brewer.

Many would point to Nancy Pelosi.

Casey Anthony.

Kyle’s mom.

Karla Homolka and Charlene Gallego come to mind.

I can’t believe it took three posts to get to Nancy Grace.

Jenny McCarthy.

Also, the Lea Thompson who is the TV journalist, NOT the actress of Back to the Future and Switched at Birth, who was at the genesis of the modern anti-vax movement with a TV special in 1982 called Vaccine Roulette; that was 16 years before Andrew Wakefield published his Lancet article, and Jenny McCarthy was in the fifth grade.

That’s one odd side effect of millennia of oppressing women that I never though of: They’ve never had a fair chance at being despots, mass-murderers or generally awful. I think Thatcher is the best I can come up with.

Here’s to a future of women getting to be assholes on the world stage on an equal level with men!

Damn, I can’t believe I didn’t think about her…also shocked it took this long for her name to come up.