Candy: Hard or Chewy?

Big debate going on in my office (yes, we are between issues). I am the Candy Lady here, always have a heaping bowl on my desk of assorted sweeties. Someone just contributed a handful of chewy caramels and toffees. I haaaaate chewy candies. Too much of a commitment. I like my candy like I like my men: sweet, hard, and spending a minimum amount of time in my mouth.


Usually I’m a chewy candy sort of gal but not too chewy. I don’t like candy that gets stuck in my teeth easily.

I like Bit O’ Honey, for example, but not Jujubes.

Depends on my mood. I really like hard candies when I want candy that will last for a while or something to chew on. But I like soft candies (of the generally non-sticky type) also.

I will take caramels any time though. Yummy…


Oh, give me chewy anytime…the hard ones just get smaller, and smaller, and smaller…and then disappear.

I’n not really a big candy person (most of it is just too sweet) but I love Coffee Nips. Since I’ve had some dental work (2 crowns plus a full root canal) I’m a little nervous when they stick to my teeth (visions of a crown being pulled off) but I can’t resist once in a while.

Mmm… chewy … chewy … chewy

Chewy caramels … Mmm … Chewy

Another vote for chewy but not sticky (I have several crowns that I worry will pull off). I also like Hershey Kisses and little peppermint patties. Actually, anything with chocolate. If the only candy available is hard candy, I’ll go without. Hmmmmm…new diet strategy?

Wow—I am delighted you all like chewy candy so much. More hard candies left for meeeee!

Hard candy Sucks.
No, wait… We suck hard candies.
Yes that’s right…

But anyway, I don’t like hard candies. I hate them turning razor sharp, or the irritation they cause to tongue or palate(sp?), and even the time it takes them to dissolve.

The absolute best candies ever created (soft chewy (but not too chewy) caramels covered in chocolate) are “Riessen” by the Storck company of Germany. You just can’t find a better candy.
This is the company that also makes:
Werther’s Original.

Go and get some immediately, and rejoice in their glory.


Am I the only one who involuntarily snickers every time I read the title of this thread? :slight_smile:

Another chocolate Riesen fan. Although now I’m trying to lose weight. :frowning: I’m limiting myself to two Riesens per day with the goal of going from a size 12 to a size 8.


Aren’t Riesens the candy that has those awful TV commercials, featuring the Least Talented “Man on the Street” Actors Alive? “Why . . . YES. I WOULD like another Riesen, please! They are GOOD.”

Chewy, and no nuts. Caramel, nougat, marshmallow. Turkish Delight is my all time favorite.

Eve - The WORST commercials are the Mentos ones.



You’re hard candy, baby. Hot, sweet and sticky!

Generally I prefer chewy. (Nothing is quite as good as black licorice.)
However, I just this week got our office hooked on Altoids Citrus Sours and Tangerine Sours.
Wow are they SOUR!

Give me Haribo gummies or give me death…


Sticky is ok too.

That MacIntosh Toffee is my fav., although they changed the formulation so you can no longer smash it into a bazillion pieces with quite as much ease as i would like. :frowning:

New sour candy?!? And I wasn’t informed? My mouth is literally watering at the thought of Citrus Sours…mmm, sour candy…

The great thing about sour candy is that nobody else ever wants any. Maybe that’s what you need in your candy dish, Eve. It’s also fairly entertaining when people don’t know it’s sour.

(You know, Al, I thought they changed it, but I wasn’t sure. It just kinda sticks together now, so you still have to bite it apart. Bummer.)

Flavor over texture…sour, sour, and sour.