I’m sure a lot of folks remember this thread about the Straightdope’s very own cannibal. The good news is now he’s had a change of heart and is now a fully fledged vegetarian.
Since I read that story I have not been able to eat pork.
Hmm… Do you suppose the German Green party is pleased about this from a PR point of view?
I guess you can say his is both a vegetarian and a humanitarian.
Any way to work a Soylent Green joke in there?
Malthus did it.
I haven’t been able to eat a human since.
bouv, try soy sauce with just a drop of lemon extract.
Must … not … make … oral … sex … joke
That can’t be good for the party.
Okay, you’re grossing me out here.
I can’t get over the the description of factory farming and his crime as “distasteful.”
I’ll catch up to the rest of you later.
No kidding.
Who in their right mind puts lemon extract on homosapian tartare?
Meating others, online, has its risks.
I’m off to cook some sausage. Patty, not link.
That’s not so bad. Though I usually go with a Cuban citrus marinade.
So they’re pretty much like any other group of Green supporters, then?
Hey! I am not convicted! :mad:
Putting the ‘soy’ back into Soylent Green.
It’s like Helter Skelter by The Beatles but with respect to the food chain.
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Yeah, yeah, yeah…
Cannibal related hijack:
My father once asked me if I understood that day’s entry in a certain comic strip in our paper. It baffled him as to what the joke was.
Hapless protagonist of the strip is seated at a restaurant table. The waiter approaches and tells the diner that the evening special is liver, fava beans, and chianti. The diner runs out of the restaurant as fast as possible.
See, my dad never saw the movie Silence of the Lambs.