Can't Boot - Help!

Yes, I read the sticky.

I had some (insert colorful cursing here) spyware (Shop at Home, Bargain Buddy, Hyperload, may they all suffer from embarassing public flatulence) on my home PC.

Uninstalling didn’t work. So I tried re-instaling/repairing Windows XP. It started collecting information, and told me that it was uninstalling the aforementioned evil software.

Then the trouble started. It continued with the upgrade (I want to retain my old files), and then hit a fatal error. It says the product catalogs aren’t installed, and this is a fatal error. But then it reboots, and no matter if I reboot from the CD or without it, it won’t start without doing startup and giving me the same “no product catalog information” fatal error, and rebooting. and…


Could some kind Doper give me a hint on how to stop the setup.exe and at least get to Windows XP?

I am posting from a library computer, but I can access the Dope from work on Monday. Any and all assistance gratefully appreciated.


Can you start in the Safe Mode and delete the offending program?

Shodan, this Microsoft Support page describes how to overcome this error when it occurs on upgrading from a previous version of Windows to XP. It involves renaming a folder that was not completely removed during the uninstall (a side effect of gaseous spyware?). This might provide a solution for you.

Good luck!

Thanks, but I can’t even get to a command prompt. I think I need to completely reinstall Windows 98, then upgrade to XP.

I really, really dislike people who write spyware.
