Can't open private messages on Android phone using Chrome

I’m on an android phone using Chrome. I get an email when I get a pm so I can read the text. However I cannot open my pms on Chrome with Android, so I cannot reply to them from my phone. Every other feature of the board works on my phone though.

Have other people noticed this bug? Is there a fix?

Popup issue, I’d wager. VB likes to use popups for PMs and if Chrome is blocking popups, you might get strange or self-cancelling behavior. I’ll try it on mine next time my phone is within reach.

I found a workaround. If you click user cp on the upper left corner, you can get into pm without using the link below your username on the upper right.

If you do not have a new pm, the link on the upper right works. However if you do have an unread one, the link doesn’t work.

Have you tried any other browsers? Maybe you aren’t open to doing that, and that’s fine if you’re not, but there are several browsers available for Android (including FireFox). Maybe one of those won’t have this issue.