This was driving my wife Pepper mill nuts last night during the State of the Union address – Trump clapping directly into the microphone*. apparently it drove lots of other people nuts, too:
*Not that she needed anything besides Trump’s speech to set her off. Although she swore she wouldn’t watch the speech, I had it on TV, so she sat down, anyway. Her language always gets more – interesting – whenever Trump is speaking, or even just on the news.
Hey, it was her own choice. She said she didn’t want to be there, but when she saw me watching, she came right in. After a while, she got up in disgust, saying various obscene and interesting things about the president, and went to work on the computer. But she came back again, after a few minutes. I think there was something g irresistibly awful about the speech to her.
It reminds me of what Joey on “Friends” once described as the “smell the fart” look. Head cocked a little sideways, nose slightly up in the air, bottom lip pooched out. Except it was funny when Joey did it. When Trump does it he just looks like a pompous ass.
Even little kids are taught to clap away from the mic. I knew it at 5 years old. And it’s not like Trump has never had a mic before. I still question the idea he’s not become more senile, even with the tests. How can he forget this stuff?