I like Captain Morgan spiced rum, yeah, I know, it’s declasse but I like it. Been my bev of choice for years. Once the store was out and I bought the white. But it’s weird. I don’t mind the taste but it made my head swim, if that makes sense. The regular spiced rum, yeah, I know my limits, I know what to expect, when to quit, but this stuff, not drunk really, just kind of woozy, honestly, more like acid from my old days. After very little. I just stuck it in the liquor cabinet and forgot it. So now I’m cleaning the liquor cabinet and there it is and I will probably pour it out, but is there any possible explanation to why it affected me so oddly?
The shorter distillation process for white rum could have done something. But I’m guessing that it was a blood sugar issue. Maybe you had a bug or hadn’t been eating right that day. That’s how alcohol affects me when my sugar is wonky.
Some rums are actually sweetened as well, so maybe that’s a component.
I read the thread title and thought, “Well, he is getting old”.