Card Hunter, an online fusion of card game, board game and RPG, is now taking Beta applications

(Remembering this time to say: posted with permission from the mods, most specifically RickJay.)


I’m on a team of indie developers working on the video game Card Hunter. The brainchild of Looking Glass veteran and Irrational Games co-founder Jonathan Chey, Card Hunter is (or will be) a free-to-play fusion of a fantasy board game, a card game, and an RPG. At the most recent Pax Prime, the Penny Arcade guys declared Card Hunter their favorite game of the show, so we must be doing something right! :slight_smile:

In addition to Jon Chey, the development team includes Magic: the Gathering luminaries Richard Garfield and Skaff Elias, indie game award-winner Jared “Farbs” Woods, Freedom Force artist Ben Lee, and though I consider myself a lesser light compared those others, I did work at Looking Glass and Irrational for many years, on the System Shock games, Thief, and BioShock.

Were still in development, but we’re currently taking sign-ups for our upcoming Beta. (By “upcoming,” I’m guessing in the next month or two.) If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you can sign up here: Card Hunter Beta.

I’m also happy to answer any questions you might have about the game.



Signed up - looking forward to trying it!

I saw just a bit on this, and I have to say, it looks really intriguing. I signed up for the beta, and am looking forward to checking it out.

Looks interesting - signed up!