Carlo Rossi Sweet Red. Have you had it? Review, please.

I noticed a bottle of “Carlo Rossi Sweet Red” wine in the grocery store today. Please note that this is different than the Sangria and Paisano wines this winery produces. This label is not mentioned on Rossi’s web site. Which I find odd.:confused:

I’m looking for a review of it before I plunk down a massive $8 for a four liter bottle.:stuck_out_tongue:

You get what you pay for. Although in your case I guess you’re getting a good deal because 4L bottles normally retail for $13ish. Worst case, if it is awful then chuck in some fruit/sherbet/seltzer/whatever and make sangria/punch.

One night sometime in 1974 I remember sitting in my apartment in Miami with a gallon of Carlo Rossi red and talking to the picture of the man on the label.

Next thing I remember is waking up hearing somebody banging on the window yelling “Get up. Show’s over.” I was sleeping in the car at a drive-in movie in Bend, Oregon.

I would say that it worked. The empty Thunderbird bottles in the car probably helped.

Buy it and try it. It’s different than typical wine experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Hope that makes sense. Sort of like…umm… well, I actually like Chef-Boy-Ardee for what it is, but I know it isn’t an Italian dish from my favorite Italian restaurant.

Oh, I see how it is. The retired guy has to spend his hardly earned pension money to review wine he may end up not liking and throwing out. And when he came to you all for help and advice. For shame, people, for shame!


I bought a bottle on Friday night. They did not have the smaller 1.5 liter bottles so I had to buy the 4 liter one. I didn’t buy it at the store I saw it at on Thursday, so I ended up paying $8.99 at Discount Liquor on Oklahoma rather than $7.99. You owe me a buck!:smiley:
The nose is of flat grape juice, nothing more. No sweetness in the aroma, no hint of other fruits.

It pours a violet/purplish red. It almost looks like red cabbage juice.
Mouth feel is flat. Flavor is more semi-sweet than sweet. It is not sweet like a dessert wine. It is also not soury nor tangy. It taste like a flat, unsweetened grape juice. It is not overly fruity. Overall I describe it’s flavor like a watered down Lambrusco. Alcohol content is on the lower side for wine @ 8%.

This doesn’t taste bad, but it is a rather boring wine. H:o hum! I didn’t try it but it might be good to make some mixer or summer drinks with it, like a spritzer.

At $9 (and at the other store $8) for 4 liters it’s a pretty good value.

And to think, you could have gotten a quality bottle of Manischewitz or Liebfraumilsch instead!

Sounds like you could doctor it up and make sangria out of it, if that floats your boat.

How does the flavor compare to Night Train? I used to drink a bunch of Carlos Rossi Paisano in the big bottles, and it never treated me wrong, but more recently when I wanted to drink on the sneak in public with friends, a quart of Night Train was always an option if I didn’t want to get drunk by drinking hard liquor. I liked the sweet flavor and overall innocuousness of NT and would like to know if there’s a new game in town by Carlos Rossi.

Night Train? How are you posting on the internet from a cardboard box?:confused:

NT has well over 2X the ethanol of Carlo Rossi Sweet Red, hence it’s cough syrup like consistency. Sweet Red is soft, mild, and bland. At 8% as an alcohol delivery system it’s more effective than beer but no match for various Bum Wines like, uh, Night Train.

Carlo Rossi Paisano is a better jug wine. Not bad at all for swilling with spaghetti. Better than both is Gallo Hearty Burgundy. Their regular burgundy is plonk. The Hearty Burgundy is an exceptional jug wine.

I will you have you know I’m gainfully employable. :mad:

ETA I didn’t know NT was that high (ca. 16% ABV) – but I guess next to that I’ll just grab some Camo or other high-strength beer if I ever wake up in a dream and “[insert Curly laugh] just get a pint of Broker’s [/insert Curly laugh]” and go on about my business.

But lacking a sense of humor I fear.:slight_smile:

:smiley: For all persons who drink fortified wine, there is no person who lacks a sense of humor.

Friend, I’ve learned over the years … with wine … the price seldom fits the quality or taste. I happen en enjoy the 4L $13ish a great deal. Oh yes, i paid a great deal more for far inferior wines … For My taste.

I bought Chteau Latour Pauillac, Petrus Pomerol, Chteau Mouton Rothschild Pauillac as well as others. And i am here to say … it is in the individual taste … not matter what the “Masters” say or think

I like most wines, expensive or cheap. Most of the Carlo Rossi that I drink are Burgundy and the Pizzano. The Sweet Red was the worst wine I have every tasted. Just not sweet but a awful taste that I cannot even explain. That is why I checking to see if I can use it for cooking?