Carob & Chocolate

In Is carob really healthier than chocolate? , this 25 year old article misses the fact that chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, a metabolite of caffeine. Carob contains no caffeine and only trace amounts of theobromine. This is the main reason people I know prefer carob over chocolate.

Food Reference Website, re:caffeine

Then doesn’t it all boil down to how harmful one considers caffeine to be?

Regardless, there’s little question which it is that most people think taste better.

No question in my mind.

I suffered from bad migraines as a kid, and chocolate was a trigger. So at Easter, while my brothers got huge chocolate bunnies in their baskets, I got ones made of carob.

They tasted like sugared cardboard.

Finally, when I was eleven, I told my parents not to bother, and made do with hard boiled eggs.

Nowadays, while I still get migraines, foods don’t seem to trigger them at all. And the migraines are very controllable with medication.

I haven’t touched carob in over twenty years. Can’t say I’ve missed it.

There are dog treats made with carob, since dogs love chocolate but can have terrible reactions to it.

When a girlfriend gave my dog some carob treats though, the dog wouldn’t touch them. I tried one (when GF wasn’t looking), and it tasted awful.

I still suffer from migraines but, unlike you, chocolate is not a trigger. In fact, I use both chocolate and coffee as migraine suppressors. (A coffee in the afternoon or evening will hold off a migraine from getting worse, and I’ll be able to sleep it off.) Granted too much chocolate or coffee can bring on a headache, but too much of many good things can be a bad thing.

As for carob, I’ve never tried it before (that I know of). Aside from being a chocolate substitute, are their any other benefits to its use?


If you’re eating so much chocolate or carob that you have to care which is more healthful, then you should probably take a look at your diet.

Or maybe it’s a sign that you should worry less about what you eat.

I’ve only had carob (to my knowledge) once. I spent a week in hospital afterwards, so I’m not eating it again. :slight_smile:

I personally know two people diagnosed with interstitial cystitis(an affliction not widely recognized in March of 1979). To lessen the pain from IC, they’re on low acid diets. No caffeine, low acid fruits & vegetables, that sort of thing. I imagine there are other people that must watch their intake of caffeine, too.

Whether one food is more healthful or not, is not my point. I was pointing out a concern for those on dietary restrictions not covered in the original article.

On another point, I love chocolate!, but I’ve found a store that sells carob malt balls that taste great. For my taste, most carob confections taste wimpy, but in this case the carob is a better pairing with the malt taste.

Maybe it was my early exposure (ever since I can remember, thanks to my NorCal hippy childhood), but I love carob.

I love chocolate too. I don’t see them as mutually exclusive foods.

My favorite way to eat carob is to buy a metric assload of trailmix for a backpacking trip, a variety with carob chips in it. Because of size and shape, I suppose, the sunflower seeds and carob chips collect at the bottom of the bag. That is the ultimate treat, once you’ve eaten down to the exclusively carob/sunflower seed level. So good. Just have your water handy.

It seems kind of peculiar, then, to open the article with the sentence “Is carob healthier than chocolate?”

Perhaps you need more protein to encourage proper brain functioning.

The rules of this forum require OP’s to reference the article by title and link. “Is carob healthier than chocolate?” is the name of the article in reference. I was only following proper protocol. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, I grew up on carob.

I can thank my mother’s proclivity towards new age religion for that one. :rolleyes:

Her church believed that…[sub]well on second thought I’ll just leave that part out because when I started writing it - it just sounded so dumb.[/sub]

It’s gross, and no substitute for chocolate, even cheap chocolate.

To me, carob is the equivalent of decaffeinated coffee.

IOW, why bother?

Some people are extremely sensitive to caffeine. My grandmother, for example, can’t have the smallest amount or it will upset her stomach.

Even decalf coffee has caffeine in it.

As far as I know, carob chips are devoid of caffeine.

thanks Qburn and others
i too saw this very old post also and wondered where the research came from?!

by contrast here is a good site on nutritional benefits of carob

and a good comparison between chocolate and carob

while carob is nutrient rich chocolate is rich with natural chemicals which might make you feel good or unfortunately for some can make you very ill, or trigger symptoms such as migraine

carob is not essentially a chocolate substitute at all
it is a plant and a food as unique as any
thats like saying mango is a substitute for pawpaw or peaches
they are not the same and nor do they need to be

happy eating all!

Well, you may think of coffee as primarily a caffeine delivery tool, but some people actually like the taste of coffee. If they like the flavor but don’t want all the caffeine, then decaffeinated coffee is right for them. (Because decaffeination does not change the flavor at all.)

Regardless of what it essentially is or is not, it is often used as a “healthy” substitute for chocolate. Thus the purpose of the original column and this thread.

Bullshit, every decaf I tried tastes like we were using a dirty jock strap as a coffee filter. Decafination screws the flavor of every single coffee we bought and tried. Thankfully my mom is now set for the next year with decaf [she likes the shit]

Okay, I did some reading. Turns out I am not correct. Decaffeinated sodas can be made that taste just like the caffeinated versions, but that’s because the process is different and caffeine is an additive to sodas.

The problem with decaffeinating coffee (and tea) is to remove the caffeine without removing all the other chemicals that give coffee its flavor and aroma. There are several processes that give various levels of results.

This site says they retain their flavor:

However, that seems debatable.

That said, you yourself cite a case where someone you know likes the taste of decaffeinated coffee. Ergo, my larger point still stands - some people like the taste of decaffeinated coffee.

I just bought some carob baking chips (Missy J’s Sweet Aussie Carob Chips for Baking and Snacking). No, they are not chocolate, but are delicious in their own right, have that smoothiness you want in a chocolate chip, and a flavor I would call “chocolate-adjacent”, so sue me.

And, as far as using a dirty jock strap for a coffee filter goes, decaf is better.

Heh. Knew if I looked hard enough I’d find the Pit thread on the subject.

I dislike carob. But I notice a lot of people can’t tolerate chocolate and/or caffeine and are stuck with carob as a substitute. I understand that. I can’t consume cows milk and find things like almond milk to be a gawd send. But I know a lot of people that can drink regular milk find almond milk to be gross and watery. Sometimes you have to forego the real thing.