I’m going to be flying in France from Paris to Montpellier in about two weeks. What are the restrictions for carry-on items in France? Are liquids and food banned?
Call your airline - they’ll know.
Wouldn’t be surprised if liquids are banned, though, because they seem to be almost everywhere.
Bonne chance.
August 12, 2006, 1:40am
Air France, on their US site:
Strenghtened security measures for all flights to and from the U.S.A
The following measures requested by US Authorities are concerning the content of all cabin or hand baggage . They are applying immediately :
Passengers may not have in the cabin of the aircraft :
liquids or gels of any size, including beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, toothpaste, hair gel, and other items of similar consistency.
Such items may be transported in checked baggage.
Passengers may have :
baby formula, milk or juice if a baby or small child is traveling.
prescription medecine with a name that matches the passenger´s ticket.
insulin and essential other non-prescription medecines.
Air France is asking all its passengers travelling to the United States to arrive at the airport well in advance of their flight departure, given the additional security measures put in place by the U.S. Authorities.
I’ll see if I can find within-France travel guidelines. Back in a flash.
August 12, 2006, 1:46am
Sacre bleu!
Mesures de sécurité renforcées pour tous vols de et vers les USA
Les mesures suivantes demandées par les Autorités Américaines concernent le contenu des bagages transportés en cabine. Leur application est immédiate :
Les passagers ne doivent pas avoir dans leur bagage à main :
ni liquide, ni gel, quelle que soit la taille, tels que : boissons, shampooing, crème solaire, dentifrice : ces objets doivent être placés dans les bagages de soute.
Sont autorisés :
lait ou jus de fruit pour bébé ou jeune enfant, si celui-ci voyage.
prescription médicale avec justificatif au nom de la personne qui voyage.
insuline ou autre médicament essentiel délivré sans ordonnance.
Air France demande à ses passagers à destination des Etats Unis de se rendre suffisamment en avance à l´aéroport, compte tenu des contraintes supplémentaires qui ont été décidées par les autorités américaines en matière de sureté. http://www.airfrance.fr/cgi-bin/AF/FR/fr/local/home/home/bulletin_flash.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1429380157.1155346848@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccchaddihhlfefmcefecekedflkdgmn.0
This is charmingly rendered by Google automatic translation as follows:
Safety measures reinforced for all flights of and towards the USA
The following measurements required by the American Authorities relate to the contents of the luggage transported in cabin. Their application is immediate:
The passengers should not have in their hand luggage:
neither liquid, nor freezing, whatever the size, such as: drinks, shampoo, sun lotion, toothpaste: these objects must be placed in the luggage of compartment.
Are authorized:
milk or fruit juice for baby or young child, if this one travels.
medical regulation with document in proof in the name of the person who travels.
insulin or another essential drug delivered without ordinance.
Air France requires of its passengers bound for the United States to go sufficiently in advance to l´aéroport, taking into account the additional constraints which were decided by the American authorities as regards sureté.
The upshot seems to be that the American Authorities are to blame. Still doesn’t answer your within-country question, though. Sorry.