’Toons, I happen to think you’re a pretty good guy. But you overstepped the line in FCM’s thread where she jokingly put her daughter up for adoption/sale.
I think the relevant parts were these:
I apologize, Cartooniverse. The people I described don’t exist, and if they did, you’re absolutely right: they shouldn’t be ridiculed. ‘Polygamy’ consisting of men ‘adopting’ young girls into their families, assuming parental authority over them, then ‘marrying’ them when they turn 14 (or whatever the age of consent is in their jurisdiction), is a legitimate alternative lifestyle. I was wrong to make fun of it.
Now, let’s get real: if I rant about Al Sharpton, am I Negro-bashing? I don’t think so, even though Sharpton’s racial identification is an essential part of his shtick.
And if I say disparaging things about a group that are somewhere between controlling parents/spouses (it’s lovely how they blur that line), cult leaders, and sex abusers, whose variety of Mormonism is an essential part of what they do, that should be no more construed a bashing of Mormons in general than my hypothetical bashing of Al Sharpton.
That’s all. This was not intended as a major rant, but it still didn’t belong in FCM’s thread, especially after she asked us to shut up about this.
I think the point is that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) stopped practicing Polygamy over 100 years ago. By saying that there are Mormon polygamists, you are incorrect. There are polygamists in Utah, but none of them even self-identify as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (because Mormons stopped practicing polygamy over 100 years ago.)
And it’s obvious from your second paragraph that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has stopped practicing polygamy over 100 years ago.
The groups that do practice polygamy in Utah are not Mormons and do not self-identify as such.
And I am always very, very disappointed when I see that claim made on the SDMB of all places, because goddamnit you should know better.
Actually, those polygamist groups do identify as Mormon. That is, they identify themselves as the true followers of the Mormon religion, regardless of the official position of the LDS church.
(Except, don’t some of the polygamists describe themselves as belonging to the “Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”? In any event, they don’t identify themselves as members of the mainstream LDS church.)
Christian history is full of schisms. Expecting outsiders to decide who the ‘true’ Catholics, or Baptists, or Mormons are, is a bit much; that’s for you guys to argue amongst yourselves. As has been pointed out, they self-identify as Mormons, and you self-identify as Mormon, and if one of you says the other ain’t, then that’s between the two of you.
At any rate, my point was that bringing up these creeps, and using the word ‘Mormon’ as part of my identification of them, did not constitute Mormon-bashing. And it doesn’t. End of story.
An interesting juxtaposition, you’ve got to admit.
Just for the record, Cartooniverse decided to stay out of the Pit some time ago, for reasons of his own. Therefore, it’s unlikely that he’ll even see this thread. So if he doesn’t post to it, it’s not because he’s deliberately ignoring you.
?? I must not be tracking well today. I thought it was clear that RTF was referring to those Mormons who self identify as Mormon and practice Polygamy, and Cartoon was suggesting that he was “Mormon” bashing, referring to all members of Mormon faith, including LDS who do not practice polygamy.
But, that Toonie seemed to believe that RTF was in fact referring to all.
let’s see -" all polygamist/barely legal wedding groups" include the sub group “polygamist/ barely legal wedding group of those who practice a version of the Church of Mormon, though not necessarily LDS”
“all those who use the book of Mormon in their worship” contain not only the LDS (who don’t condone polygamy) and those in that sub group who practice a version of the Church of Mormon who also believe in polygamy/barely legal weddings etc." and probably some other groups as well.
Anyhow. I thought (from the quotes shown here) that RTF was not ‘Mormon bashing’ in the sense of “all people who practice a version of…” but rather the specific sub group.
Yeah, but technically they aren’t supposed to because of such mix ups as these, that and you had an awful lot of people not understanding that somebody could be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and be Mormon.
Of course they/we aren’t supposed to drink caffeine and it is amazing how many do (myself included).
RTF, you cold-hearted, insensitive bastard. How DARE you be so cruel in dealing with another religion? Don’t you know anything? Don’t you know that Mormons require MORE than just simple adoption? Don’t you know that any new kids added to their familial herds must undergo an intensive rite of passage?
It’s really simple. They are taken to the nearest temple, down to the lowest reaches, amongst baptismal fonts holding floating corpses for their cleansing, chambers of Mormon girls being prepared for pregnancy, and piles of white bread with mind-controlling agents and Holy Water being infused with Jesus’ genetic essence. There, the soon-to-be-adopted children are strapped to a wall, and lashed seven times seventy times with a cat o’ nine, to beat the evil demons out of them. Then, they are strapped down to a table, given electroshock - which is called God’s Loving Grace - until they are left an inert, mindless vegetable. After that, they are forced to hear a droning voice read the KJV Bible, the BoM, the D&C, and the PoGP for weeks on end, until it utterly infuses into their mind, making them soulless drones waiting to accept Jesus into their lives.
THAT is why your comments were offensive. Shame on you, RTF. Shame on you to hell.
Thanks for the heads-up, Lynn. I did provide the obligatory link to this thread from the original one, but now I know not to expect him whether he sees it or not.
Either way, the Pit’s serving its purpose by letting me respond fully without troubling FairyChatMom’s thread further.