Cast the SDMB movie

Preview, idiot! Preview! Drew Barrymore

That’s it. You’re out of the will.

Woody, perhaps you haven’t heard the persitant rumors about the size of Uncle Miltie’s, um, personality, shall we say. If I were you, I’d be flattered.

Okay, I’m not very good at remembering actors names and stuff, but here we go with a few:[ul]
[li]Xploder played by Dan Haggerty (“Grizzly Adams”)[/li][li]Persephone by either Lucille Ball or Stevie Nicks (can ya sing, Pers?)[/li][li]CrankyAsAnOldMan, by Helen Hunt[/li][li]thinksnow by Dennis Quaid (a la “The Big Easy” minus the N’awlins accent) or a happy Russell Crowe[/li][li]SuperDude, Mike Meyers. Gotta agree your own pick, man! :D[/li][li]UncleBeer played by a young Charleton Heston, of course[/ul][/li]
Oh, and if we get to pick our own, can I have Heather Graham portray me as she appeared in Lenny Kravitz’s “American Woman”? Little blurb on Heather that’s apropos.

[sub]This list is not exhaustive nor does the management make any claims that the personalities or appearance of said Doper will exactly match that of the suggested celebrity. All rights reserved.[/sub]

detop, I believe you are dead on.
So… do you want payment in Canadian or American funds? Maybe a lifetime supply of Poutine? Cause I just looked up this Famke chickie and there’s no way in HELL.

vix - Jennifer Beals: gorgeous, curly black hair, dark eyes, sense of humor, and Flashdance. It’s brilliant casting.

dropzone - errrr…no comment.

woodstockbirdybird - I think John Lithgow is fucking brilliant. I mean movie actor John Lithgow - literate, comic genius, great timing, biting wit, plays villains to perfection, and is a bit of a loon.

May I go on?

Collounsbury - Sean Connery
Gaudere - Jodie Foster
Arnold Winklereid - River Phoenix
Nacho4Sarah - Thora Birch
Turpentine - Kirsten Dunst

Rasa - Chloe Sevigny
porcupine - Julianne Moore
Cartooniverse - Robin Williams (Standup days and Dead Poets Society ONLY)
pldennison - David Duchovny
Peta Tsunami - Sally Field

Stoid - Kathy Bates
oldscratch - Ewan MacGregor
Guinastasia - Katie Holmes
iampunha - James Van Der Beek
Goboy - Kevin Spacey

LuxFiat - Johnny Depp
Falcon - Melanie Griffith
Jess - Kim Delaney
Jodi - Marcia Gay Harden
I’m gonna change boli to Laura Linney. It’s PERFECT.

Hey, I’m not short. I’m taller than you woodstockvaughnybitcybird

I thought about it and I want Lita from the WWF to play me.

After all, we’re both redheads with interesting tattoos who have a Hardy Boyz fetish…
Or a redheaded Rose McGowan.

OK, magdalene, since you’re going to be flattering, I guess I’ll accept your nomination.

Hey, Merc, John Turturro’s one of the best actors alive today, IMO. He can do drama, comedy, anything. I wasn’t aware he was short, anyway. It’s not like I was trying to cast aspersions upon your height - if I was, I would’ve picked Papa Smurf to play you. But fine, if that’s the way you want it:
Kareem Abdul-Jabar as Mercutio.

P.S. Call me!

Thought about it.

Decided it offends me, even though she’s a marvelously talented woman.


Why Kathy Bates?


John Turtorro is rather tall, I thought. I will say that, fine actor that he is, I think he’s a little old to be portraying Mercutio. He doesn’t have nearly the range that Milton Berle has.

Really, though, it’s back to Vince Vaughn for woodstockbirdybird.

[T-Bone ] You’re so money, and you don’t even know it. [T-Bone]

Stoid, sorry from the bottom of my heart if I have offended you. Would you rather I said Stoid = Estrella Warren? Kathy Bates takes. no. shit. She is crazy-talented, she comes across on screen as whip-smart, she is not afraid to offend people or froth at the mouth a little in service of something she’s passionate about. So why are you offended? From everything you’ve posted on the boards, she could probably play you to a “T.” She’s got grit, woman.

** Weirddave**- Jason Mewes
** Jack Batty **- Dennis Miller
SpaceGhostofArrakis Animated, of course. Voiced by Clint Eastwood.
redboss- Paul Hogan
Cecil Adams Moses-version of Charleton Heston
** Fenris ** Animated, Mr. Burns
** Scylla ** Pierce Brosnan
Just some Ideas…

I’ve seen Charleton Heston and someone else listed for Cecil Adams. I always kind of pictured him as a very young George Burns. After all, he played God.

Holy crap, Dennis Miller as {b]Jack Batty** is damn-near perfect. I’d been struggling with someone to play him. Good Job, SpaceGhost.
I also like Chloe Sevigny as Rasa. I’ll be thinking of more throughout the day.

I’ll have to look for “Split Second”, Rue, it looks interesting.

Let’s see…how about some of my fellow DFW dopers?

Chef Troy–since we’ve determined that we can resurrect dead stars…Groucho Marx

Aglarond–Michael J. Fox

Zyada–Mia Frye

JimB–Donald Sutherland (from the MAS*H days)

Grace–Lea Thompson

Palmyra–Peri Gilpin

psiekier–Bruce Campbell (he’s going to love me for this)


Um, magdalene, I meant that you were a lunatic for casting just about everyone on the boards, not specifically for casting me as Jennifer Beals. I mean, that’s crazy, too… er, I mean, thanks!

Actually, I think all your casting is genius. :smiley:

Any of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, without a doubt.

excuuuuuuse me, but anyone who says I should be portrayed by Susan Sarandon is obviously a highly talented, wise, knowing, & wonderful person. :smiley:

Now, for me:

Fenris - who else but Mel Gibson? Quick wit, quick mind, highly talented and totally swoonable.

Sue - ahhh Dennis Quaid of course - Deep, intense but with a flirty twist.

mags - who else but Meryl Streep, - some one who can run the gamut of wise, eager, stoic, strong, sensual, and funnier than hell (only Meryl seems to need more than one movie to do all that)

BigGirl I think is more of Tina Turner - ('ceptin she wouldn’t have put up with Ike).

UncleBeer - well who else but Charlton Heston - the statesman/gun protector.

Scylla is more of Bruce Willis, wise cracking kick ass, take names later.

That’s all I can think of for now.

and I have a few.

for** Magdalene**, I have to say the lovely, down to earth, smart actress Annabeth Gish. I love her so much. She’s just wonderful person.

For Eve, I’m going to say (and don’t think of them now, think of them as young women) Lillian Gish or perhaps Clara Bow. I’m picturing that lipstick on you right now.

Fenris, I’m thinking a young Rory Calhoun (sorry, had to get a Simpsons reference in there)

Coldie, when I think of you, I think of the lead character in my novel, and when I think of him, I think of hockey, and when I think of hockey, I think of Doug Weight. So you can be him.
