Castaway (The British Survivor)

I’ve been watching it for the last three weeks and man is it ever better than Mark Burnett’s “Survivor”

I like the fact that it’s just one team and not two competing teams. Also the fact that they don’t have to vote someone off every week.

Has anyone else seen this show? Am I crazy?

PS Does anyone know of any links where I can read up on the show and cast?

Actually, there is a British Survivor, and it’s called, well, Survivor. (Actually, Survivor 2 or Survivor: Panama this time around.)

And they have two tribes. So you must be talking about a different show.

Is this the show where they have to use materials found on the island to make various items, like a functioning camera, or a multi-colored cloth flag? I caught an episode of that when I was in London a couple years ago, and found it, like most British gameshows, intimidatingly intelligent. Like that one where they take a bunch of random letters and the two contestants have to make up the longest word they can out of them, usually some word that no one has used conversationally since the late 17th century.

And then I look at American TV shows, where people have worms poured on their heads to win prizes.

And I weep.

This show is definitly British. The people on the team are made up of Brits, Americans and Australians. The narration is British and the title is Castaway.

I’ve only seen a few episodes so I don’t know too much else about it.]Castaway 2000

Is this what you’re talking about. 1 year spent on a Island? the program was very good but I wouldn’t put it in the same stable as Survivor at all.

Search the BBC website you should find more.

Or are you talking about Eden which is on Channel 4