Cat dropped dead last night

And no, not the cat in this thread, who after medcation and new diet is doing fine.

One of my other cats, a beautiful 6 year old calico. My two year old daughter came to me last night and said “Ruthie is sleeping”. I went into the room and she was dead. No marks, signs or anything.

We rushed her to the emergency vet, but it was too late.

She was the picture of health an hour before. She just had a checkup a few years ago. WTF?

The vet thinks heart attack, which is apparently not unheard of. Necropsy scheduled.


I am so sorry :frowning:

What an unpleasant surprise. My sympathies.

My sympathaies. Happened with a young cat of mine several years ago. Fine, then dead. It was his heart and vet said sudden and probably painless.

I’m sorry. :frowning:


I’m so sorry.

Make that checkup a few weeks ago; not sure where “years” came from.

Thankns everyone.

My condolences.

I’m so sorry for your loss. :frowning:

I’m sorry. We lost our 8-year-old Harvey in November, and it was quite sudden.


I’m so sorry your daughter had to find your cat.
We had a healthy 4 YO die from a probable stroke in December. It still hurts.
Thank you for sharing your story.

I’m so very sorry. :frowning:

I’m so sorry about your cat.

That’s so sad. I’m sorry.
I have a 7 year old calico named Dinah, and it would break my heart if something happened to her.
I really feel for you.

I’m so sorry :frowning:

I’m sorry to hear that, too - we lost an old-timer kitty last December, and they really do leave a hole in your life and your heart. :frowning:

I am sorry for your loss.

How horrible. :frowning: I’m sorry for your loss.

I, too, am sorry for your loss. I love my cats and everyone in my house would be heartbroken from this event; my condolences.

That said, I have to ask: why did you take her to the emergency clinic if she was clearly dead?

So sorry. I hope you can take comfort in the idea that she didn’t suffer.