Let’s try a pun thread…
Let’s hear your best cat names inspired by politicians, both good and bad.
I’ll start with these three…
Chairman Meow
Adolf Kitler
Marga rat catcher
Let’s try a pun thread…
Let’s hear your best cat names inspired by politicians, both good and bad.
I’ll start with these three…
Chairman Meow
Adolf Kitler
Marga rat catcher
I had a cat I named Mousey Tongue.
Very good!
Kit Jong Un
Saddam Pussein
Benito Mouserlini
Angela Purrkel
The Tailaban
Not a very clever name, but one that amused me due to the obscurity…
I had a cat named Lint. When I was being formal, I called her Lintros Lintros-Ghali, after the UN Secretary of the time, Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
Such are the ways I entertain myself.
Matty Purray, Senator from Washington.
Macatma Gandhi.
Fidel Catstro
I feel that cats are best suited to be named after dictators or evil leaders… hence also Pussama Bin Laden - who I would say qualifies as a political leader.
So Catamir Putin would work.
Also Benito Pussolini
Or Vladimir Pawtin
John Kittady
Skritch McConnell
Hairy Ass Truman
Aaron Purr
Bill Kitten.
(Oh, that is offensive sounding. Ick.)
Robert F. Grimalkinnedy, Jr.
Ayatolla Meowmany
Andrés Manuel López Obrapaw
Clement Catlee
Michael Purrtillo
Chiang Cat-shit
Malcolm Furrball
Adam Kittinger
One I just heard on the radio: Margaret Scratcher