I’ve heard it said, or maybe read, that “Pointless arguing is one of the three pillars upon which the Internet is built. The other two are of course cat pictures and porn.”
OK, I read it. Still, it struck me as a reasonable observation.
Now, in the age of VidCon and Youtube, this seems sort of archaic, and music and DIY video may be a bigger deal. But it may still be the case the itnernet is about pointless arguing, cat pix, and pr0n–at least to the old fogies of my generation.
So let’s have the showdown, if it’s not too late, between cat pictures and porn!
Which is more important, and why? Or are they both obsolescent? And what about cute baby pictures?
Feel free to argue pointlessly for pointless arguing.
Personally, I think it’s all ridiculous. The internet exists for webcomics and fanmusic. So there.
How do we classify porn with cats? Or cat porn? And both of those are hopelessly intertwined. Establishing that one is more important than the other creates a worm hole through time that spews porn from one end and cat pictures from the other.
In other words, your proposition is both immutable and unsafe. How dare you?
Porn, definitely. I know that I’m in danger of being kicked out of the internet for even whispering this, but cat pictures do absolutely nothing for me. I don’t like cats, I don’t have cats, and if cute cat pictures were wiped off the face of the web tomorrow and for the rest of eternity, it wouldn’t change my life one iota.
I’m pretty sure the porn industry was the driving force that allows us to enjoy streaming video. That of course led to cool things like netflix, Amazon prime, etc.
I’m not saying we wouldn’t have eventually got there but porn made it happen a lot quicker.
But what happens when you mix kitties with porn? SFW linky