Look at porn or at kitty pics?

So there you are, cozily tucked away with you laptop. Do you look at porn or kitty pics? Are you male or female?

I don’t think I had ever looked at a kitty pic until I started reading this forum. I guess they can be cute or something… But I’m a man, and when I’m in my bunk, it’s porn all the way!

Depends on the mood, sometimes it’s porn, sometimes it’s cuteoverload.com

So when the two (so far) cats look at kitty pics, does that count as porn too?

Sure. I look at a lot of pussies on the internet.

Isn’t that what the internet is for?

I’m a cat.

I mean, I’m female and look at kitty pictures. I never was interested in porn.

Do I have to pick one?

I’m a female and I guess I’d rather look at kittens. I’m not interested in porn, either.

How about splitting the difference and looking at catgirl porn?

It depends on my mood. I go through times when it’s porn porn porn! Then I get bored and don’t care about it for months. Kitties are always welcome, though.

Man, and I was going to suggest splitting the difference and looking at kitty porn…

::does a quick ⌘-F to see if anyone has done the “kitty porn” joke yet::

damn, just missed it by 15 minutes!

Doesn’t someone here work with her? :slight_smile:

The poll suggests that this is an either/or situation. I think a lot of people are probably doing it wrong if that’s the case.

I couldn’t vote. I look at both. I’m a cat person (I have 3), but I also like looking at pussies. Man, btw.

I voted for porn (I’m a female) because I’m a dog person and kitties just don’t do it for me.

Now, would I be more likely to look at porn or cuteoverload.com? Bring on the cuteoverload!

I have a cat in the house, I don’t need pictures of them.

If I had a cat site or a porn site, either way I’d want it to have Leslie Jordan saying “Can you see my pussy nowwww?” when you logged on. (3:34 into this obviously NSFW clip.)

There are people for whom kitty pics ***are ***porn.

A cat is fine, too.

Not only do I look at kitties, I save them. And my screensaver is of the various pics in the “My Pictures” file, which is mostly kitty pics, and the occasional pic of a video game character. I seem to save at least a couple of lolcats a day, and the occasional cuteoverload pic.

Most porn doesn’t do it for me. I have to actively search for pics of greatlooking guys.

I’d say I look at cat pictures about 95% of the time, and porn about 5% of the time, but you didn’t give me that option, so I voted female and cat pics. Though yes, I WAS tempted to vote that I’m a cat.

I’m a cat that looks at anthroporn.