Your favorite kind of porn contains the following:

Check the only things you really like to see in porn. Just don’t check them all, I am trying to get a picture of what is popular and what is not.

Some choices are intended to be mutually exclusive; please choose between large breasts and small breasts, even if you like 'em all.

You included feces but not urine?

Your poll is full of shit and it’s pissing me off.

You are right, I should have included pissing. I am sure there are other obvious omissions. Feel free to post them.

I would say that it otherwise looks like a pretty comprehensive list, but if you go to one of those tube sites, it’s amazing how many fetishes there are out there.

Man, I got horny just by reading the list.

Butter face? Like, hot body, oogly face? That’s a fetish?

Or is it a euphemism for something else on the face?

Japanese body pillows for the win!


I feel lesbian sex should be a specific option.

How weird is it that I, a straight guy, see two hot chicks about to go at it and think, “Remote, please. I need to skip ahead”?

That’s pretty weird. Someone probably has a fetish about weirdos like you. :slight_smile:

I can’t believe you left out “amputee midgets dressed like 18th century Parisian plumbers building playing-card houses on the backs of lesbian sheep in a hovercraft”. I can’t be the only person who likes that.

This remark is going to come back to haunt you after the conquest.

Not as weird as it is that as a straight guy you have to ask for the remote, instead of clutching it to your breast at all times.

Oh yeah, that’s hot, I can’t wa… hovercrafts!? You sicko, it needs to be in a catamaran. Some people…

Should have had a category “Rule 34,” for all the sick shit.

I ain’t askeered - I have it on good authority that you don’t know what to do with Canadians. :slight_smile:

You are thinking of the infernal middle-manager of the same name, dear. He’s working to bring about the APOCALYPSE.

I picked:

Two people
Improvised dialog
No plot
Talkin’ dirty
Loud moaning
Titty licking/sucking
Anal licking/sucking
Breast fondling
Ass fondling
Vaginal penetration
Anal penetration
Female orgasm
Male orgasm
Large breasts
Big asses

I know some things were meant to be mutually exclusive, like vaginal and anal sex, but what I meant by choosing both was that I consider the best videos to have both- same for male/female orgasm, etc.[/spoiler]

I know you said certain choices were mutually exclusive but I had to vote for one person/two people and small/large penises because I love all those things.

I know you were probably thinking about things there were specifically about getting it on and getting off, but you left of faces.

Seeing my favorite things that you’ve included on your list can be hot but also, without clearly seeing a face, can sometimes be kind of “meh.” Show me an intersting face along with all those other good things and it can ratchet my libibo up by a factor of 100.

You forgot vampires.

There just isn’t enough vampire porn in the world.