Always look at porn or never look at porn?

I suppose the way you vote will depend upon your current porn-viewing habits. If you never utilize porn, your answer will be an obvious one.

But here are your choices:

  1. Anything you watch on your television, computer screen, movie theater, tablet or smartphone screen will be porn for the rest of your life. No news, no fantasy baseball, no SDMB, no Orange is the New Black or Walking Dead, no future Star Wars movies or Ryan Gosling rom coms. There are no loopholes, anything on a screen for you will be pornographic. People around you may be watching Golden Girls, but your brain will be seeing Girls’ Golden Showers.

Any books you read will be smut, and magazines will be pornos, any newspapers will feature nothing but erotica and nudies.

All porn, all the time. All varieties.

  1. You will never see a picture or movie of nudity or sex ever again. No movies, no photos. Even if a mainstream movie features bare breasts or any other simulated sex, you cannot see it or hear it. Your eyes/ears/brain black it out. No nudie sites on your smartphone, no sexting with your boy/girlfriend. No erotic novels, no dirty magazines. No Skinemax on Friday nights. Nothing, nada, jack shit.

Those are your options. Choose.

If I pick no porn, will I still have memories of porn?

You’ll have memories that it exists, but no specifics. You *will *have memories of actual sexual experiences you had with real people.

I’ll just have to be content with the real thing.

But you aren’t excluding things like Game of Thrones right?

Yes I am.

So to be fair, it’s not just “porn” but any nudity or sex in any form of media. *Porn *is just punchier for the thread title.

No porn.

While on occassion I’ve looked at some, honestly it doesn’t do much for me.

I was on the net from almost day one. I went a VERY long time without having any sort of anti-virus on my computer system. NEVER had a single virus problem. Why? Probably because of not viewing or sharing porn.

I can give up porn without much more difficulty than a orthodox Jewish person would have giving up bacon.

And for that matter, no porn would certainly be easier than always having porn. That would certainly get old fast for me.

You are calling Game of Thrones porn because it has occasional nudity? That’s it you’re fired.

Quite the opposite. I acknowledge my actual question includes mainstream movies and TV that have nudity, but using the word “porn” was just easier and more eye-catching for the thread title. So feel free to fire me for click-baiting, but if you fire me for calling GoT porn, I’m calling my union rep.

Not that this would change my answer, but what about our imaginations? Can we just think up sexy scenarios on our own, or are we limited to actual experiences?

You CAN think up sexy scenarios, as long as it’s with people and body parts you’ve personally encountered. If it’s strictly a product of your imagination from real-life memories, the Matrix can’t stop you. We don’t have that technology yet.

I guess I will take “never”,. though both options suck. But I can’t imagine never being able to watch a good show or movie again.

Having seen some porn in the past, I can honestly say it held no appeal for me and I have lived quite happily without it. I am not offended by nudity, but the stupidity of the porn I saw was definitely an insult to my intelligence.

Then again, it’s not supposed to be cerebral, is it?

Give me smut and nothing but!

Nah, not really.

So to be clear, fantasizing about, say, a Grant/Kari/Tory orgy, or that hot new guy in Accounting, is off limits? Unless I’ve done them in real life?


NM. Ninjaed by Heart of Dorkness

Bummer. Well, that certainly puts a kink in my… kink, but yeah, I’d still go for the Neverporn.

I’m confident saying NO porn, but I want to split some hairs.

I thought this was about viewing. If you’re controlling my mind in an anti-porn way, do you also control it in a pro-porn way? Initially, I was given the choice of *viewing *porn 24/7… does that also mean that I’ve got to *think *of porn 24/7 if I choose that option? Will I be in a board meeting imagining penises in everyone’s hands instead of coffee and will I always (instead of occasionally) hear the secretary say she wants to fuck me?

You’re absolutely right. After further consideration, we just can’t control minds. Memories are free to be nasty filthy bang fests without restriction.

Carry on and apologies for overstepping our boundaries.

OK, ok, just so we can fight the hypothetical some more, I’m curious: if I want to DRAW porn that I’ve imagined, what happens? Do I just draw a butterfly by accident?

FTR I went with no porn because aside from some of my favorite movies and books having occasional nudity or boinking, 99% of the content I enjoy in life has nothing to do with it, and I’m perfectly happy with imagining whatever I want.