Cat rant thread

Thank you! This had me totally mystified. (Anyone have any idea what’s in this powder?)

So many times cat behavior has me stumped (and I’m pretty good at figuring out/communicating with other species), and I’m SO relieved when actions like this have a reason that my non-feline mind can grasp.

I have a plastic-licker too. He likes grocery bags, but he’ll lick and gnaw on any plastic bag really. I had some receipts stuck in a big ziplock on the table waiting for sorting, and when I got around to doing it both the back and some of the paper within were fairly well gnawed on…

A previous cat loved to lick photographs (old style film prints). Any picture left flat and unframed was certain to have tongue marks.

MissTake, I am so sorry about your cat troubles. This is a weird thought, but it might work - have you tried spraying all 3 cats with the same scent? (Or wiping them down, probably easier LOL!) You could use one of those pet safe groomer’s perfume things. They smell awful to me, but it might make Lucy seem like less of a threat if they all smell the same. It’s a shame you can change the way she looks too. She isn’t long haired by any chance?

I can haz furrburger?

I have the pheremone plug ins going in the living room and in the family room, nada. I may end up buying the collars. I don’t know. That Dot can move between the two without problem - transferring smells - is what confuses the hell out of me. She can curl up with Lucy, get bathed… then go do the same thing with Mayme. I have used a particular smelly hand lotion (well, I like the smell of it!) and pet all three of them with it on my hands. When I have tried the towel, Mayme bolts for hidey holes. And no, Lucy is medium length fur.

When our cats decide they don’t recognize each other (which is pretty much every time one of them goes somewhere the other didn’t) we have to give them both a bath. Then they smell the same and stop that crap.

You could try bathing them all. You will need assistance. (One person to trap them, one to bathe them and one to catch any who try to escape.)

If you leave them in the same room together do they fight to the point of blood? If not, they may just need to hash it out (god knows, we still have fights in our house over territory, mostly when my lap moves from one area of the house to another).

Thunder doesn’t understand the concept of bed time. Every night I turn the lights off, check on my son, and go to bed. He will meow like an idiot, wandering where everyone went and why the lights are off, until I yell at him that I’m in my room. He also has the habit of sitting on his haunches at my feet, crying, until I pick him up.
He’s incredibly spoliled.

Oh, your cat was the thing in Vincent’s suitcase?

Yep. That’s Allie. :slight_smile:

Baxter steals socks out of my laundry hamper and has noisy sex with them. It’s very disturbing.

(Baxter is my cat. I guess it could be worse–he could be my roommate.)


Shhh! Nobody’s supposed to know! :cool:

Was he asleep beforehand? Do kitties have wet dreams?

I only have one cat that survived being shot, but out there, cats are legally considered to be vermin. At least there isn’t a lot of water, so people don’t trap them and drop the traps into a river like one poster on this board has bragged about doing.

People shoot at dogs too, but more of them survive. I do rescue. I see the good, the bad and the ugly. I don’t want to bring this thread down, but shooting animals is in the bad catagory. I’m not going to tell ugly stories here.

I’m flying to Arizona tonight and will be here for the weekend and maybe a couple of days longer. This means that the cats will be left with people who think that the way to stop a cat from jumping on the counters is to pick said cat up, scold in sing song words, scratch ears and put him on the floor and give him a treat.:smack:

Back when Spike first came to me, he was a very sick ketteh. Broken jaw that had healed so badly that his left fang was poking into the roof of his mouth. Of course, he couldn’t hunt and had troubles eating the kibble that I put out for the wildlings and was starving.

I took him to the vet, had his jaw rebroke and set, blood work and shots and of course, had him fixed.

The day after, I was rubbing his belly and his kitteh thing started poking out. I was so squeeked out that to this day, I never just reach out and rub his belly without looking.

(He was probably feeling the best he had in a long time, a belly full of gooshy food, his mouth worked and he was on pain meds. There hasn’t been any more displays of kitteh thing. I know because I always look.)

How dare your cat infringe upon their 2nd Amendment rights.

Psycho Kitty, from an earlier post.

I have a friend who had two cats. They weren’t exactly the brightest bulbs in the box. A typical encounter went like this:

I go into the bathroom and close the door.
Cat(s) yowls and yowls.
I open the door.
Cat(s) look at me and go “Oh, it’s you - never mind”.
I close the door.
Cat(s) yowls and yowls.
I open the door.
Cat(s) look at me and go “Oh, it’s you - never mind”.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Does that “Oh, it’s you, never mind” involve turning away and walking in a circle or half circle then stopping to look at you?

If so, then the cat is inviting your attention You’re answering by closing the door.

From the cat’s perspective;

I howl to get his attention.
He opens the door.
I signal I want attention.
He closes the door.
lather, rinse, repeat.

No. When Amanda’s in the bathroom they’ll yowl and she opens the door, and then they run into the bathroom and purring ensues. When it’s me that opens the door, they’re not interested. Until I close the door and they forget that it was me in there.

Wow, that’s a lot of barf to come from one little kitty. :eek: I’m sure there’s a reason that she has to barf all over the few area rugs we have, instead of the entire rest of the floor that’s covered in easy-care laminate.

Here’s the varmint in question, looking all innocent and cute.

Tuna has to be touching me at all times. Desk, couch, bed…I have seconds to arrange myself before he settles in. Then he meows when I try and move around, which is a hoot when I’m asleep. Navigating stairs are their own special challenge.