Cecil Archive Search Button

Would it be possible to include a button with the “User CP, register, etc” buttons at the top to search Cecil’s archived columns?

I know that you can search them from the front page, but it would be handy to be able to search them as well from the SDMB when looking to provide a link to respond to someone. I know that makes me sound a bit lazy, but there you go. :smiley:

I will suggest that idea.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I guess what Coldfire says about you isn’t true. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks again, AW.

And perhaps a link the the SD main page as well as/instead of the archive link.

If you mean the SD homepage, there is a link to it already, at the bottom of the page. Just above the copyright notice, next to the “Contact Us” link.

It’s possible to implement CuriousCanuck’s suggestion, although a small modification to the board software would be required. That said, it’s not a bad idea at all. It’s certainly one of the easier board modifications suggested as of late.

Actually we could do it without changing the software, simply by configuring the board through the control panel.

Better than the forum software I worked on for a few years, then. Ours didn’t have user-configurable links like that, although it’s a really good idea. I think I’ll suggest that to them, and possibly do the hack for them, if it hasn’t been done yet.

Great idea. I’ve always found it a nuisance to have to leave the Board, or open a new window, to search the Archives.


Thanks for fighting that lil’ smidgen of ignorance for me.

Any updates? Did the vote go against me?