Celebrities who look better with grey hair?

Sadly Anthony Bourdain, who looked much better as a grey haired man IMO, made me think of this.

Typically, in American culture grey hair is seen as a sign of aging. But for some celebrities it works, here are a few of mine:

Bill Clinton
Helen Mirren
Steve Martin
John Slattery
Anderson Cooper

Jeff Bridges. Although the beard might also be a factor.

Emmylou Harris looks nice with her white locks.

Peter Capaldi

Many of the bald ones.

Ted Danson

Lorne Greene

Jerry Garcia looked better grey.

Donald Sutherland aged really well.

That’s the first one I thought of, especially as I was used to seeing him both ways.

So, since Ted was already mentioned, I’ll add in Leslie Nielson.

Alec Baldwin is still salt and peppery but I think his gray hair softens him up a bit.

Ricardo Montalban IMO looked better with gray hair than he did in his younger days.

David Byrne.

Leon Russell
Jamie Lee Curtis
Patrick Stewart
Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Annie Lennox
Tilda Swinton
Hilary Clinton (it might cost her votes, but it looks good)
John Lord
Christopher Walken
Lucille Lagacé

With a lot of these, it’s the age as well as the hair color that does it.

A couple years ago at one of the awards shows (Oscars? Golden Globes?), Amy Poehler and Tina Fey introduced the next presenter as someone who made “the young George Clooney look like garbage.” The presenter was the middle aged George Clooney. Clooney looks pretty damned good with gray hair.

Anderson Cooper went gray so young that people don’t remember him with dark hair.

George Clooney looks fine now

but horrible younger


I gotta say, grey-haired Matt LeBlanc in Episodes looked just as good, if not better, than Joey Tribbiani in Friends.

Former R.E.M. bassist Mike Mills has stopped dyeing his hair, and let it revert to gray. It looks MUCH better this way IMHO.

Grace Slick has been white-haired for quite a few years, and she looks good that way. I’ve seen it both long, and close-cropped.

Patrick Stewart? WTF did he ever have ANY hair?