Celebrity Exodous?

Before the election, I seem to remember several prominent liberals saying that they would renounce their US citizenship if Dubya Bush was elected president. Whoopie Goldberg comes to mind as one such celeb.

Who else made this promise? And now that Bush has won, is there any evidence that any of them are actually going to do as they threatened?

Make that title “Celebrity Exodus?” :o

I can’t wait.

Barbara Streisand is supposed to be leaving too.

(So that’s what they mean by democracy in action… :wink: )

But seriously, I think it’s an Urban Legend. I’ll see what I can dig up on it though.

Alec Baldwin and presumably Kim Bassinger

The only famous person who has come out on the record as saying he would move to another country if George Bush were elected was Robert Altman. Alec Baldwin denied that he was moving anywhere.

Alec Baldwin (according to the drudge report) but that was if Clinton lost to Bush Sr. Seems Mr. Drudge was about 8 years late on his scoop.

Basically the whole celebrity exodus story was just propaganda. Apparently one minor celebrity said he would leave the country if Bush was elected and this was blown up into reports that a number of outspoken Hollywood liberals had made this declaration.

The whole thing is just ahother example of lip service and symbolism liberals like. Everything stops when it comes to their door.


I thought this was going to be a thread about famous people in the Bible. Oh, well, carry on.

Um, peace, what part of “One person said it, and it was blown out of proportion” is difficult for you?

No part is difficult for me. Nevertheless, what I said is true and your irrutation only confirms it.


Some people seem to have the unfortunate attitude of “I know this story isn’t true but I’m going to believe it anyway.” Which I guess explains Reaganomics.

Little Nemo, if you are talking about be, I believe that the story is true (I heard some clowns say it on TV).
How’s “Reaganomics” enter the picture? It still works.

You believe something??? Dude, this is General Questions. Cite or back off. Take that belief stuff to GD or MPSIMS or something.

Yes, Sir!



Cite–> http://fff.fathom.org/pages/CatBiker/gus.jpg

Alec Baldwin and Robert Altman haven’t moved out yet (too bad). But Pierre Salinger appears to be making good on his promise. He told the Georgetowner magazine

As far as I know, his ties to the U.S. have been pretty tenuous for a few years now. I think he was based in Paris when he was an ABC corespondent, and he has been living in Provence for a while, where he and his wife run a Bed and Breakrast . He did have an apartment in Georgetown which he now says he’ll sell.