Yesterday I filled out the census form sent to me. As a lark I included my two dogs Ginger and Konah on the form as my “natural born children” (well, their practically my children, right?).
It just occured to me, can I got into trouble for this?
Yesterday I filled out the census form sent to me. As a lark I included my two dogs Ginger and Konah on the form as my “natural born children” (well, their practically my children, right?).
It just occured to me, can I got into trouble for this?
Oh, just so you don’t think me a totall ass I should mention that I have spent the week trying to get my ex-GF’s name off my lease agreement, cable bill and internet account with maximum runaround and negligible results. American Express added some weird “fraud protection” charge to my account that I didn’t ask for. And finally, the post office closed and locked the door in my face as I was halfway up the steps (eight fouty-five to five o’clock sharp…great if your unemployed I guess). So my tolerence of large, unresponsive , faceless beuocracies was pretty shot.
Inky, you can be fined $100 for knowingly providing false information. There are threads in GQ, GD and even the pit about this very subject. I myself posted a tangential rant in the pit last week concerning the Census.
'Inky, you can be fined $100 for knowingly providing false information. ’
Up to $100. I don’t think anyone has ever been fined before in the history of the Census.