Challenge - Name the Butt Ugliest Celebrity male or female.

Even celebrities can be photogenically challenged. Thank god they have talent or they’d starve.

Who do you consider the ugliest among the stars? Male or female?

I nominate Nicki Minaj. How could someone so young look like they’ve had a bunch of bad plastic surgeries? Her gangster attitude is also a huge turn off. She was recently caught on tape threatening Mariah Carey.

Sandra Bernhard. I win.

Kathy Griffin is pretty surgeried up at this point - She looks like Carrot Top’s sister.

A bit hard for 51 pre surgery

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. I would never call somebody “ugly” but they each hurt my eyes.

Steve Tyler as a young man.

Steve Tyler now.

A side by side comparison. :smiley:

That photo seems to match her personality to a T.

I agree. She looks like the worst drag queen ever, an ugly ungainly man in poorly applied whore makeup and garish tasteless clothes. And that’s not even a slight exaggeration.

Steve Buscemi is celebrating his 20th year as the most famous ugly dude in Hollywood.

Lyle Lovett

Tori Spelling. I’ve never been able to look straight at her.

If they don’t have to be alive, then it’s Shemp. He even won an award for it.

You know, I was going to come in here and defend Ms. Minaj, and then I clicked the links. She really has done some very unfortunate things to herself. :eek:

I assume you’re kidding?! As a hetero male I can’t speak about him (though I can see chicks digging him) but Kristen Stewart is one of the hottest pieces of ass currently working!

These threads come up so often, let me see if I can guess some of them: Someone already said Sandra Bernhard, so Illeana Douglas, Maggie Gyllenhaall, Lili Taylor, Cameron Diaz, Liza Minnelli, Hillary Swank, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts etc…

He actually looks worse than these pictures would indicate. Most of the time you see Tyler, he’s being photographed or recorded in controlled studio conditions by professionals who are trying to make him look as good as possible.

Here’s a non-professional photo of Tyler in normal conditions.

Clint Howard’s face scares me. There’s just something around his eyes that screams psycho clown child molester. I’m sure he’s a really nice guy, and his face/skill get him tons of character roles, but yeesh.

Wow, he looks really young next to Nicole Richie! :stuck_out_tongue:

Susan Boyle. Or how about Anne Widdecombe?

DUDE, you gotta add some kind of warning before posting photos like that.

this cannot be unseen.

I always thought Ann Ramsey (Throw Momma From The Train) looked like a female Shemp.

For a male, if dead is OK then I’d have to go with Marty Feldman or Jack Elam.

William C. Macy. He is not attractive, and he looks…I dunno…‘damp’, too.

In his defense, he didn’t get an *actual *nose job…cocaine did that.