Change "The Barn House" to "Comments on Ed Zotti's Books"?

That’s not a demand; I just omitted the “Could you” for brevity.

Little Ed has just inadvertently pissed off a whole bunch of people by starting a new forum devoted to his new books. I think most of the stink could have been avoided by naming the new forum differently and placing it below “Comments on Staff Reports” on the SDMB main page.

I have no problem with the presence of the new forum. If promoting Cecil ‘n’ Ed’s published works were not a part of this board’s purpose, there would be no reason to call it the Straight Dope Message Board and no reason to have two separate forums to discuss Straight Dope columns. Grouping this new forum with those two and naming it similarly would make this point. While it probably won’t unannoy those who have already gotten angry, it’s still a good thing to do.

Plus, it’s better PR. The casual surfer, on seeing a forum called “The Barn House”, just says “What the hell’s a barn house?” The title “Comments on Ed Zotti’s Books” tells everyone that Ed Zotti is a writer and that people read what he writes and find it worthy of comment.

I agree that this makes sense, particularly the section I quoted.

I appreciate the thought, but doubt it would have changed much. In any case, it’s likely the forum will evolve into a place to discuss fixing up old houses, for which purpose the name Barn House is as good as any.

What the hell’s a barn house?
Is this one of those “flyover” things, like “mud room”?
Guess I aughta put a :wink:

OK, but I think it’s that expectation that makes this seem weird to people. A separate forum for talking about fixing up old houses is kind of outside the focus of the Board, whereas a forum for discussing your books is not.

I’m actually perfectly happy to have a forum about fixing up old houses; I’m in the process of moving into one. But it would be the first time we’ve had a forum that is dedicated neither to the works of Cecil Adams and Ed Zotti nor to a topic that the board members were already discussing pretty heavily. I can understand why people find it strange and arbitrary.

OK, enough unsolicited advice, much as I enjoy giving it.

Moving it up under the Comments forums might help, though. Right now its placement just looks weird.

You know, it’s sort of very silly and minor, but, yes, I think this is in fact true.

Yeah, but it’s not like we had this surfeit of threads around here on fixing up old houses precipitating the need for such a forum. Whatever it turns into, it’s still a forum for comments on Ed Zotti’s book. I just really think it would fit in a lot better (and people’s feathers would be less ruffled) if it were called Comments on Ed Zotti’s Books. Or even, Comments on Ed Zotti’s Book “The Barn House.”

Regardless, IMO it should be moved up by the other “Comments on…” fora.

It sounds like you think this current brouhaha will eventually blow over. For your sake I hope it does. Your reputation has taken quite a battering, which is never fun. And the over-the-top rhetoric is mind-boggling.

Call me a cynic, but some folks around here can hold weird grudges. Maybe a bit of self-effacing good faith could go a long way?

(my bold)
Yes, but isn’t a forum for doing up houses a bit…minority interest? I’m not saying that there aren’t people who wouldn’t enjoy that subject, but aren’t there topics that are a bit more…worthy to devote new fora to?

I have not noticed as much demand for it as for, say, politics.

This sounds like a good suggestion. The Barn House forum is always going to stick out like a sore thumb otherwise.

Also, this may be a UK/US thing, but the name ‘Barn House’ makes me think of rural, not urban life.

I respect you too much to think you are incapable of seeing how much this comment insults our intelligence. The Barn House is as good a name as any? Sure. And Sarah Palin was McCain’s best possible choice, Clarence Thomas was the most qualified man for the position, and Bownie was doing a heck of a job.

Unless you are converting a barn into a house, I think The Barn House is a pretty damn terrible name for a forum discussing fixing up old houses. And I don’t think I am alone.

Do whatever the hell you want, but why don’t you just be honest about it and try to avoid insulting the rest of us while you do it.

Add me to the people who are confused as to how “Barn House” is as good as any other name for a thread about fixing up old houses. “Rehabber’s” Corner" makes more sense; how many people think of the term “Barn House” when they’re planning on rehabbing their place, unless they’re planning on converting an old barn into living quarters?

It has too much of a du jour feel to it. Forum titles should reflect notions & concerns that are likely to persist. Ed Zotti / Cecil Adams are likely to write many more books, based on the trajectory of authorship so far; naming an entire forum after the latest book manages to convey the expectation that the entire SDMB might not last until the next one comes out.

I like the OP’s suggestion. And stickies at the top of such a forum could contain direct links to the purchase thereof, reviews, etc.

Yeah, it’s stinking up the feng shui like a dead walrus.

As far as I can see, the only reason it was placed where it is is that The Game Room was the last new forum added, so it went right underneath that.

If there was another reason for placing it there, it escapes me.

Not to mention that the threads that have previously been started on related topics have fit in quite well in the existing forums.

I feel the same about this as I do about any thread I don’t like. I don’t click on it.
Does that make me a pussy? I don’t know. In all else I’m a real hardass. :eek:
BTW; can anyone recommend the “Mini Burgers” at Applebees?