Changes in subscription pricing here at The Straight Dope

Maybe so, but “half price” was explicitly part of the deal for Charter Members.

That said, raising prices a bit for everyone seems like a reasonable thing to do.

One of the better username/post combos I’ve seen on this board :smiley:

I’d definitely go for the $30 regain Charter Membership option. It’s a great idea, I’m sure I’m not the only one who kicks themselves regularly for neglecting to re-up in time.

I would have liked to keep it, but it was mainly the fault of the Mickey Mouse way subscriptions were (maybe still are) handled/paid for that caused me to miss it. So I don’t blame myself much for it.

If I could just pick it back up as an amnesty, I would. I’m much less enthusiastic about paying a premium for it. I’m not saying they shouldn’t offer it, especially since others seem more enthusiastic, but I don’t know how excited I personally am. I still have my 1999 join date to keep me warm at night.

Yeh, I’m with you on this. I liked the CM designation, but I liked the 50% discount even more.

At the time, I was getting emails that it was time to re-up my subscription a few years ago, but my email client was tossing them in the Junk folder for whatever reason, so it lapsed on me and I lost the designation. It was maybe less than a month until I re-subscribed at full price. Kind of a bummer. I’d like to get the Charter Member designation back, but for $30? Ehhhh…

It’s kind of neat to have but I’m not going to pay a ridiculous price for it. $17.50 for two years isn’t too bad.

If I renew my subscription for two years, am I guaranteed that there will still be a message board in two years?

Of course not. Have you heard of such a guarantee in any subscription ever?

I can’t tell if I should feel honored or insulted! :smiley:

If I have one piece of business advice for this board, it’s “make it easier for people to give you money”.

We’re doing our best here – and by subscribing that’s also helping – but what in life outside of death and taxes is absolutely guaranteed?

Take a chance. Live a little. Two years from now we can laugh about it.

your humble TubaDiva

I’m working on it as fast as I can!

I don’t know if you noticed in the other thread, but apparently gifting memberships has been disabled for over 4 years since an upgrade at that time. That’s pretty unforgivable though I know it didn’t happen under your watch.

I think you’re doing a fine job.

Seriously. I mean, things have REALLY improved around here. It doesn’t feel as, “my way or the highway!” anymore.

(And I don’t mean this in a bad way, but do you feel, like, since you had some time off since your last round as an admin, it helped or it hurt? Just curious)

I dunno. That’s what it was back then and now it’s something else and we’re all rolling with the punches. I’m just glad to be here now. I hope you all are too.

I’m confused about a couple things.

How does one get a custom title? Regular membership? Charter? Friend of Cecil? None of the above?

Friend of Cecil: I get that you can contribute daily. Do you get FOC under your username for 24 hours, then it goes away unless you re-up the next day?

There is talk of a ‘tip jar’. How does that differ from FOC?

Is the mailing address for the Chicago Reader still a good one for the SDMB?

I asked about the “Friends of Cecil” thing, but in the avatars thread by mistake. It’s the “1 week” that has me puzzled. This thread is where I should have posted:

The gift membership thing was a hack Jerry Davis came up with. It broke in a system update and Jerry didn’t have time or resources to reinstate the hack. And now Jerry doesn’t work here anymore and no one knows what he did, so it was just unavailable.

I have come up with what I hope is a suitable solution until we can get something better. So make your gift transaction and then send me an email ( and tell me who it’s for. Also tell me if you want the recipient to know or if you’d prefer to be anonymous.

If you’d like to give to a general “scholarship” fund, make a Friend of Cecil donation and tell me where you want it to go. You can either leave it to our discretion as to recipients or we can decide together. Whatever works.

your humble TubaDiva