Changes in subscription pricing here at The Straight Dope

I’m asking for a donation box/tip jar on the front page of the Straight Dope site, but this is a STM/WordPress deal and I don’t have access to those controls. But I am asking.

I will add $1 and $5 categories to Friend of Cecil.

I DO have access to controls over the Paid Subscription function on the board and have made these changes myself. It’s a wonky thing, the “Friend of Cecil,” but it’s the best I can come up with in the face of what I have to work with. I have no doubt the STM people can come up with a more elegant solution.

Altho the prices changes are reasonable, it seems like you are penalizing those that actually, you know- contribute, and letting the deadbeats get away with paying nothing.

Moderator Note

Please do not refer to our guests as “deadbeats” in ATMB. It’s a bit insulting.

We tried pay-to-post. It didn’t work. Without our non-paying guests, the SDMB is not sustainable.

Yes, that’s true. and of course newbies are guests. But we have a lot of very active posters, those who always complain, and who never pay. I think the term is right for them, but I understand your point.

I am not saying pay to post, just either some limits on NPs or some benefits to paid members.

Maybe NPers can only make so many posts a day. Or Paid members can get a old warning dismissed if no recent warning. Or something besides a meaningless title.

Here is a newsletter I am interested in.

I’m totally against marginalizing guests. There are people for whom just $20 is unaffordable. It’s also plain unwelcoming. I pay to support the board, not to gain some illusory moral high ground. I’d be fine with doing away with all the titles.

But why do you care if all you get is just “a meaningless title”?

Your main point seems to be that paying is the right thing to do. If you really believe that’s actually true, then surely you should do it for that reason alone?

In the interest of this boards viability, why not allow members who have been banned to restore their status by paying for membership? If they re-offend, they can be re-banned. That’s a virtuous cycle.

I looked for the information, couldn’t find it. What I did find (before I gave up) didn’t seem to be correct/comprehensive like the reply I got in this thread.

I would support this. On a related note, I’ve often wondered if the policy of permanent bans on the SDMB has had the effect of cutting off our collective nose to spite the face.

Yes, indeed. I was furious when I realized that I had let it lapse (it took me months to notice that I now had “guest” under my name).

Perfect example of the attitude of the elitists.

This is why I stopped paying.

So now you know DrDeth why I refuse to pay.

Your attitude.


I completely support this! I will be donating. One request: please make the categories and explanations simple. The older I get, the stupider and more literal-minded I become. Thank you.

Yeah, well, since you hadn’t paid for quite some time before I made that post, my post is hardly the reason. :rolleyes:

Maybe you should read more carefully next time. :rolleyes:

Because I did not say it was your post. :rolleyes:

I said it’s your attitude. :rolleyes:

Like, you knew my attitude on this years ago…:rolleyes:

Once I get through the summer months I will be doing some donation or other. Heck, I spend more time here than I do church and often get more out of it so why the heck not? Thanks, kiddo!

The elitist part of your attitude has not changed over the years. It comes out on many topics. For instance about people who enjoy a certain TV show, (that you got topic banned from), and have no interest in reading the books that preceded the TV show.

What, not enjoying the lifetime supply of self-righteous, self-aggrandizing indignation that apparently came with your membership?

Moderator Note

Drunky Smurf and DrDeth, knock off the bickering.