Just got an email from Cecil!

Well, sort of:

Excuse the spam, but we’ve got some good news for you: The Straight Dope
Message Board has switched to paid subscriptions. Why is that good news?
Because it means we’re serious about maintaining the SDMB, one of the best
boards on the Net. Now for some even better news: For a limited time you
can subscribe for the first year for an unbelievably low US $4.95. In
addition, you get a 50% discount on subscriptions for later years. If you
DON’T act now, a subscription will cost you a still pretty reasonable US
$14.95. If you haven’t stopped by the SDMB in a while, why not do so now?
Full details are available at:


The only problem is, I already paid. Shouldn’t a ‘feature’ of being a ‘charter member’ include not getting emails about things I have already done??

Hmm. I haven’t gotten that.
Yet, anyways.

Oh, you dog! I thought you got a real email!! Ptttt. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that was sent to the mailing list. It came from the same address, anyway.

I didn’t get that e-mail. I feel so unloved!

I got it. t’wasn’t from cecil though.

Well, Cecil personally came to my apartment and gave me a pony. So there.

Cecil came to my house and gave me a pony, too! And he gave me a backrub and washed my dishes.

Dad says you two are lying, he did not.

I got an e-mail from Cecil once.

I didn’t read it though.

If I recall correctly though, the subject was: “Increase Your Length and Girth.”

That wasn’t Cecil, that was me. I want my pony back.

That was you? Well, that explains it. You’d better come back – the pony died, my back still hurts and all the dishes are dirty again.

Jess (who knows Cecil would never give her a substandard pony)

i got that today…and ill be damned if im paying to post here…its so speed of the sdmb is so slow i dont even come here much during the week anymore…i may pop in on the weekends…but i cant see paying to be annoyed on how slow this board runs during the week…all of the forums i subscribe to this is the slowest…and its not the biggest i frequent…oh well i hope they improve the speed to whomever decides to pay

Perhaps all the … are creating too much wind resistance and slowing you way down.

Yeah, but he makes up for it by not using the shift key. Ever.

Now I’m picturing a mass email with a picture of Ed Zotti holding a gun to a pony’s head saying, “Subscribe to the SDMB or we’ll shoot this pony.”

“Yes, as soon as you pony up the $4.95 …”

Little Nemo has the right idea.

Every time you masturbate,god kills a kitten.
But He will forego this if you immediately subscribe to the SDMB,leaving you free to wank your winky with a clear conscience while saving billions of kittens from an omnipotent 8 cylinder snit.

Yeah,I got one of those notices,too.

I just got the e-mail too. FINALLY.