Are you going to?
I have, even though I could afford the higher price, I’m very frugal. So, I’ll keep my membership up to date.
Are you going to?
I have, even though I could afford the higher price, I’m very frugal. So, I’ll keep my membership up to date.
Man, I’m glad you mentioned this - for some reason, I had in my head that this was due in June…
Good to go now! Thanks.
Thanks for the reminder – done, and I need to remind my daughter to renew, too!
I thought by now they’d be paying me. In appreciation for all my fine posts. Oh well, maybe they’re waiting to surprise me on my tenth anniversary.
Thanks! Updated for another year.
Done. I would have spaced it if not for this OP. Can we get reminder emails? Also, can we get one of those one-touch sign-ups like Amazon has?
WooHOO! Spring has sprung, the Dope has ris. I wonder where them flowers is!
I did a few days ago. There’s a sticky reminder at the top of this forum.
According to the powers on high, they send out like eleventy-seven e-mail/reminder notices several seconds before your membership expires
Yes… I’m irrationally attached to the “Charter” bit. One year I’ll slip and forget until too late and it’ll be all over.
I saw a thread a while back reminding me we were closing in on that time of year. Credit card happened to be handy from a mad candle buying spree and bam! It was done
Yep, thanks for the reminder. I know one year I’m going to miss it and lose my Charter Member status, but until then I’m part of an increasingly more exclusive clique. Feels good, and saves me a few bucks a year, too.
I can’t believe I’ve been here for 7 years.
I renewed a week or two ago. Although I can’t post as often as I’d like anymore, the price is small and too good a deal to pass up.
Yep - renewed a week or so ago when I noticed an ATMB thread asking about renewing, even before the official “RENEW NOW YOU SLACKERS” thread got posted.
So, for yet another year, I get to dance around at yell at Typo Knig that “I’m a Charter Member and youuuu arennnnnnnn’t neener neener neener”.
Not yet, want to see if they’ll offer a two year or longer membership. But, yes, I will.
Mais oui. I’m very fond of the charter discount.
I will on May 1st. That will put me at 2 years paid. I like to plan ahead!
Not yet, but trust me, I’ll get in before it expires. : )
Yes, that time of year has come again. It is hard to believe another year has gone by.