Check-in for All Female Newbies

Due to the large number of newbies here, we need to make sure you meet our high standards of cleavage - I mean intellect. I have in the past been a wandering examiner, finding the newbies where they are, but this has become too tiring and stressful. I need all nude - I mean new - female posters to post here, so we can go about the standard immigration examination.

::putting on the rubber gloves::

Baby oil is provided, so if all you ladies would kindly disrobe and rub yourselves down we can begin.

Do not be afraid, this is a strictly medical procedure. And I do have a background in medicine: my sister’s a nurse.

I hope this exam room is a little warmer than the last one.

Um…Brat? That isn’t a toy duck.

I’ll be in the observation room with my camera.


This could be good.

It could be even better if you’ll purchase my old Vibrating Exam Table. I just upgraded, and only need one.

And for you, I’ll sell it cheap.

BTW - All veteran female posters should check in every month or so for a routine check up.


Hang on, let me put on my internet chat room persona.

zipping into costume that turns her into a 38-23-36 sex kitten with waist-length hair, green eyes, pouty lips, and d-cup hooters

Let me just fix this wedgie the thong is giving me… SNAP ouch!

Hey BratMan007,

I find it highly commendable that you’d look after the newbies this way. Kudos.

But just to be on the safe side, the regulars need their anti-virus checkup, too.

All of the women that have not yet contacted Bratman007 regarding their checkup, and don’t intend to, should notify me as soon ass possible.

Eve, Athena, Aenea, et al. Where are you?

SouthernStyle :wink:

Damn Brat,

You could at least have waited until I posted until you started thinking again!



Swiddles - I may feel stupid for asking this, but I don’t get the toy duck reference.

Anyway, timing sucks! I’m gonna have to stop posting for a while, I need to be on a conference call.

Posting from work so sucks sometimes.

BratMan, today you are my hero.

If you are in need of an assistant please feel free to consider me.

The advantages of working for a big company - I’m on a conference call that I have absolutely nothing to give my input on.

So back to the exams -

chrisbar - not bad, I like your enthusiam. Wow! I’ve never seen one of those do that before! I bet you can do the ping pong ball trick like Winona Ryder in the South Park Movie! You pass.

CrankyAsAnOldMan - I uh, geez. Um, I’ll get with you as soon as I can stand up again. :o

And SouthernStyle, I promise not to ever think again until I hear from you first.

Now don’t get carried away on this “sans thinking” thingie.

You did so well getting this idea going without me. You had a good idea, planted it, watered it, fertilized it (kind of like I’m doing now), it germinated, and the next thing you know – there’s a good idea blooming.

I just didn’t get a chance to throw in my 2 cents quickly enough.

Kind of like life. Always a day late and a dollar short.


Athena walks in

What’s going on here? Did somebody call my name? Hey, wait a minute, how come all you young 'uns have your shirts off?

It’s the rules of this thread.

But it’s strictly for “professional” reasons. :wink:


i guess the real question is …

Is this an invasive procedure? :smiley:

Hi Athena, here’s your bottle of baby oil. You can feel free to strip down and rub this on yourself, or SouthernStyle or myself will be happy to do it for you.

I have to finish fondling, I mean examining Cranky, then I’ll be right on top of you - DAMMIT! I mean right with you.

I feel so… safe… knowing how much ya’ll care about my health.

sniff I’m touched.

No seriously, I’m being touched. HELP!

Yes it is, sorry, but it’s the only way to be really sure that you’re in good health. This is all for your benefit.

Why am I naked, you ask? It’s to ensure no germs enter the room that may be on my clothing. Yeah, that’s sounds reasonable, I’ll stick with that story.

You know, it just occurred to me that this isn’t helping me live down the ‘pervert’ label I was complaining about having not to long ago.

Oh well, it’s all for the sake of science.

Why, thank you very much.
As for tricks, I only perform in private. :wink:
