"Cheese-eating surrender monkeys"

So the Germans can march in the shade.

German tank commanders like to drive in the shade.
Q: Why did the EuroDisney theme park in France do so poorly at first?

Every night when they set off the fireworks, France surrendered to Germany.

Did you guys not get the fact that this is exactly what she’s pissed off about?

So? The entire French military legacy since Napoleon is an unmitigated joke. It’s their bed, they have to lie in it. We could get topically modern and tag them with a name that denotes just how far up the Arab’s collective ass the French have their nose, but I think this is bit more light hearted, don’t you?

I’d say that we’ve demonstrated quite handily that we do get exactly what she’s pissed off about.

But, they have nukes.


They get it. They just don’t care. They’re assholes.

How many gears does a French tank have?

Two, neutral and reverse

@ OP, Lighten up as a german I really dont mind the nazi stereotype, only tight arsed pseudo liberal bigots like out Kanzler do. And for the record, I dislike the frogs too :wink:

Why i hate the French: My father was killed by a catapulted cow

He should have run away!

So…we can’t call the Germans Nazis any more?

What about the Mods?

Don’t know why, but THAT made me laugh!!!:smiley:

One of my favorite headlines from The Onion’s “Our Dumb Century,”

Sept. 3, 1939: “French Surrender After Valiant Ten-Minute Struggle”
“French Citizenry Welcome German Conquerors: ‘We Kept your Rooms Just the Way You Left Them’”

Jon, who is French… and German

Is it right to label an entire nation based on wether their military was good or not since Napoleon? Do you look down with distain on every french person because you “Saved their ass” back in World War II? Does it give you bragging rights?

There are alot of jerks in this thread.

Oh gimme a break. I guess I can’t speak for everyone in this thread but I know when I make a joke about someone that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m looking down on them and I don’t take every joke about me to mean that the joker is looking down on me.

And really, think about what you people are saying. If you take the phrase Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey serious enough to be offended by it then not only is your sense of humor crippled, you might need a stout dose of reality as well. It’s a fucking joke people.

Jesus christ, lighten up. There sure are alot of uptight assholes around here for such an intellectual crowd [not directed personally at you, twisty.]

Is it ok if I call you a “Yankee Imperialist Scum”?

Would you call Clairboscur a “Cheese eating Surrender Monkey” to her face? How about calling Arnold Winkelried a “Paranoid chocolate humping watch fondler” to his face?

There are a lot of jerks in this thread, because the OP raised a point about stereotyping and bigotry, and people instead of addressing the issue go straight into doing exactly what she was complaining about?

Its not the words, its the implication thats the problem.


In the context of a joke, yes.

Most definintely. This is almost funnier than Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey.

One of my best friends is Russian and I frequently refer to him as a Commie Bastard. We both know he’s neither a communist or a bastard, so why is it so bad for me to joke about it?

Arnold humps chocolate?

Aside from anything else, there is a difference between namecalling between friends and the blanket labelling of 60 million people that you don’t know and that don’t know you.

The latter might be less inclined to take it as good natured ribbing and more as… oh… unpleasant jingoistic xenophobia? Just for example, you understand.

There’s an idea. Rather than “Yankee imperialist scum”, let’s call you “Unpleasant jingoistic xenophobes”. You, I’m sure, won’t mind one jot.
