Think about what referring to French people as “cheese eating surrender monkeys” really is. Maybe I’ve had a humour bypass, but it sounds like bigotry to me. I don’t think it’s funny to continually disparage a whole nation on the basis of something that happened over fifty years ago. It’s history. Get over it. Laughing at those stupid French people. Hur hur hur.
It’s not acceptable any more to laugh about how all Germans are Nazis. We’re all enlightened enough to say “Hey, that was a long time ago, The Germans can be groovy people now”. Offer the same courtesy to French people. Outdated and offensive stereotypes aren’t funny any more.
The latest example was indeed provided in the Why France and Germany can lick my balls… thread by RexDart, but I’m not talking about specific examples. It’s the general casual use of phrase itself that annoys me.
Yeah, gee, making fun of French people is as silly as, oh, gee, I don’t know, automatically assuming that all Southerners are ignorant bigots just because you’ve always heard it was so and the only time the South breaks the national news radar is when some assholes put sheets on their heads.
Note: I’m not pointing fingers at any one person here; I don’t specifically recall anyone here ever making fun of Southerners. But all things being relative, I think the French get off pretty easy when it comes to stereotypes.