"Cheese-eating surrender monkeys"

That’s because it should be

une fois revenu, apportez le fromage

At least according to Babel fish. I wouldn’t know, I don’t speak Surrender Monkey.

Francesca is quite correct. “Cheese-eating, surrender monkeys” is an outdated stereotype.

How about, “Cheese-eating, Jerry Lewis fans?”

No, that’s way too harsh. Let’s be kind and stick with “surrender monkeys.”


I couldn’t tell, Homebrew. Really.

Okay, I’m lying. You said: “One time come back, bring the cheese.” Okay, I guess “When come back bring pie” is no better.

World Eater - it was Rex who used the eponymous phrase, intended as an insult. It was small fry in that thread and as I said I’m not really talking about individual examples. It’s just the ongoing casual use of the phrase as comedy that irritates me.

It’s true, being surrender monkeys is no laughing matter, and throwing perfectly good cheese into the mix is downright sacreligious.

My mistake. Sometimes it helps to read the linked thread :stuck_out_tongue:

i can call all the mericans “burger eating surrender monkeys” because of vietnam?

made my day.

(sorry, i’m in a funny mood, the above is sarcasm.)


Nothing personal, you understand.

Isn’t this taking a Simpsons joke a bit too seriously? Not that I don’t think Groundskeeper Willie isn’t a big dog in terms of public opinion and political correctness. It’s just that he is a cartoon character. Or am I missing somebody else saying it in a serious manner?

sorry, micheal ellis, I apologise.

take it as a symptom of horrible self esteem.
I just don’t think I deserve capitals!

Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees?

If you want to insult Americans, I always thought that the Russians nailed it with the phrase “Yankee imperialist dogs.”

You’re right I did use that phrase. It’s something of an ongoing joke around here, and you’ll notice that I put it in quotations when I used it, and more than implied that it was not my phrase.

And you’re right, we’re still mocking the French for what they did 50 years ago. They’ve done a whole lot of stupid things since then, maybe we should start making fun of them for all that. Really, they’re alot worse and even more annoying now. Instead of resenting their image as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” maybe they should just take out their ire on attributes of other countries, like Spanish “literature”. Everybody’s got their weakness, so attack it and mock it :wink:

Well i’m a Southerner by heritage, and of partial French ancestry, so kiss my grits! and my escargots! :smiley:

We didn’t lose Vietnam! It was a tie!

Sounds fine to me and my whole German family. And anyone who doesn’t find 99 Lufballoons groovy has some serious issues to work through :wink:

The only possibly untrue part of that “slur” is the “monkeys”, and even that’s debateable.

I think the answer would be obvious if you bothered to watch the Packers fold against Atlanta.

This was mentioned just in passing, and might need more overt explanation as not everyone on the planet can be expected to have every episode and in-joke of an American television show committed to heart, but if it helps to explain this phenomenon a bit for you, Francesca, this line comes from a Simpsons episode, which is why is it overused and beat to death with little thought of its effect. FARK.com and it’s “France Surrenders” running gag is guilty of this as well.
No, I am not humorless, but after the 300th time. . .