Cheese Head & Hatred

Just read CH’s post about how all WASPs hate Catholics and Jews and Muslims and whoever isn’t white and Protestant.
Well, let me tell you something, buddy.
To prove a point, let me assert I’ve documented my ancestry back to the Mayflower on my father’s side of the family and the founding of Boston on my mother’s side. I’m about as American WASP as you can get. And the only thing I hate is the kind of blanket statements people like you make blaming a whole section of the population for the actions of a few of their members. I had nothing to do with Kennedy’s assassination or the lynchings in the South or the anti-Catholic, anti-Irish riots of the last century. I have several Jewish, Muslim, and Black friends and comrades whom I’d lay down my life to defend if some right-wing racist iggerint skinhead schmuck tried to pull that kind of shit.
The SDMB is here to fight ignorance, and your statement did fuck-all to accomplish that goal. If you can’t add something positive to a thread, come here to the Pit and spout.

All Hail Unca Cecil, or the next best thing available!

That was fucking hilarious coming from Mr. Let’s-Get-Them-Before-They-Get-Us. Tell me, who else in your world doesn’t “deserve” free speech (whatever that means), and who else will be up against the wall when your revolution comes?

** Phil D. **
“Not only is the world queerer than we imagine,
it is queerer than we can imagine.”
–J.B.S. Haldane

Well, Phil, at least you’re bringing your arrogant tripe down here to the BBQ Pit, instead of an actual discussion thread. I suppose finding the Pit is a little easier than finding your brain, which I doubt you could do with a Gray’s Anatomy and a roadmap. (Here’s a hint. Stand up, drop your trousers, and find the little tiny hole between the large, pimply, mounds of hairy flesh you were just sitting on. Sources close to you say you call that your “elbow”.)

All Hail Unca Cecil, or the next best thing available!

[[[Well, Phil, at least you’re bringing your arrogant]]]

From the guy who decides who gets to talk and who doesn’t.

[[[ tripe down here to the BBQ Pit, instead of an actual discussion thread.]]]

Yeah, because I never post to those. Combined with your recent foray into misattributing quotes to suit your purpose, you’re going to establish a tendency towards mendacity early, I see. Excelsior!

[[I suppose finding the Pit is a little easier than finding your brain, which I doubt you could do with a Gray’s Anatomy and a roadmap.]]]

If you’re going to flame people, at least *try[/]. Christ, that was just weak.

[[[(Here’s a hint. Stand up, drop your trousers, and find the little tiny hole between the large, pimply, mounds of hairy flesh you were just sitting on. Sources close to you say you call that your “elbow”.)]]]

I’m really frighteningly unbothered by what politically oppressive thugs think of me. If you fall into that category, well, bollocks to you, I suppose.

** Phil D. **
“Not only is the world queerer than we imagine,
it is queerer than we can imagine.”
–J.B.S. Haldane

Well, then, Phil, here’s a little helpful advice. See that little scrollbar on the right hand edge of your screen? Click on the “down” arrow every time you see a politically oppressive, thuggish, Constitution-hating post from “Olentzero” and hold until it goes off the top of your screen. Blip! No more annoyances.
There’s also the step of not adding to the thread here.

All Hail Unca Cecil, or the next best thing available!

I’m glad I ventured into this thread after reading the others this evening.

First of all, to PLD: Well Said! You’ve cut straight to the point and Oleo missed it.

Secondly, to Oleo: I think you’re missing the essential point; that being, “Repression of speech does not constitute freedom of speech.” Yet, in your worldview, as you’ve stated on the other threads, you and your group are the ones who decide what gets to be said. You’ve also said that your mob (yes, as you described it, it was a mob) was considered by the police to be potential lawbreakers. Of course, that’s how policing a society works–the Police were prepared for danger. It doesn’t work by outlawing free speech. I, personally, find the display of the Confederate Battle Flag to not only be reprehensible, but also a bit laughable seeing that most of the folks who display it are unaware of the actual Confederate Flag. But that does not mean I have a right to rip up someone’s private property because I disagree with him. You’ve stated that you not only have that right but will act on it.

I’d far rather have Phil defending my freedom than you. Phil’s proven he knows what freedom is; you’ve merely described how you glorify repression.

Olentzero, I never said “all WASPs hate Catholics and Jews and Muslims and whoever isn’t white and Protestant.” I never used the word ‘hate’ at all. Lou used the word hate in his OP, “Why do everyone hate Catholics.” I said WASPs have discriminated against Catholics and other non-Wasps. Some people on the thread seemed to agree with me that there has been evidence of this. Why was the term WASP invented in the first place? To describe the group of people who seem to dominate the US economically and politically. The term was invented by an Ivy league sociologist, not a racist block head.

“And the only thing I hate is the kind of blanket statements people like you make blaming a whole section of the population for the actions of a few of their members.” I never said ALL WASPs are guilty of discrimination. I was just trying to say throughout American history there seems to be cases of it. Likewise, most southerners did not own slaves, but the some who did were enough to cause trouble.

The thing I hate is a bulletin board member who reads too much into other members postings and misquotes them.

“The SDMB is here to fight ignorance, and your statement did fuck-all to accomplish that goal. If you can’t add something positive to a thread, come here to the Pit and spout.”
I have made several postings to threads that are positive. I thought reprashing the thread to say ‘discriminates’ instead of ‘hates’, as the OP had said, was a positive addition to the thread.

Ptvroman wrote, "To even imply that his assasination was because of his religeous beliefs is assinine. "
Well, I didn’t say Kennedy’s religion caused his assination, I just pointed out he was assinated before his term ended. Why did Oswald shoot him? I don’t know, political differences probably, but religious differences may have been part of the cause. We don’t know. Most people aren’t even sure Oswald was the shooter (conspiracy/cover-up theories).

I think you are assinine to deny the role of religious/racial differences in assinations. Do you not think racial issues is one of the reasons MLK was assinated?

“My mother always believed that you had to be Catholic to get to heaven. Shows how much she knows.”
I thought Catholics (and other Christians?) believed you had to be baptised to go to heaven, but I am no religion expert.


“The SDMB is here to fight ignorance, and your statement did fuck-all to accomplish
that goal. If you can’t add something positive to a thread, come here to the Pit and spout.”
I have made several postings to threads that are positive. I thought reprashing the
thread to say ‘some…discriminate’ instead of ‘everyone…hates’, as the OP had said, was a positive addition to the thread.