Chicago Dopefest December 8th?

My wife, Tracyfish, and I are going to be headed over to Chicago for a wedding. Does anyone want to meet up? On the 8th, we’re coming into town. The 9th is the wedding rehearsal, so the 8th might be the only night we have to romp around and cause trouble (More her than me. I don’t cause trouble.)


There was talk of a Chicago Dopefest during the summer, but it blew up.
Let’s make it happen

Where in town will you be? How far off transit are you willing to walk?

I’m tentatively interested. It’ll depend, for me, on how that week fills up (or doesn’t).

I’m cool with either taking a cab or walking off transit. I assume the wife is as well, assuming she’s warm and bundled.

We’re staying at the Hilton near the Cheesecake Factory on Michigan Ave (not that we have to go there). I’m also fine with taking a cab or walking to transit.

I’m working that evening in the Lincoln Park area, but I’d be up to meeting with some Dopers in person.

Oh, cool. I don’t know that area super well, but it strikes me as mostly chain-driven, in terms of food.

So, what sorts of things are you looking for or to do? I, personally, tend to know the Little Italy area the best. There’s a couple of really great places there, and a few that are just decent. One that’s really great that could handle a small-ish dopefest, but not a big one - maybe 20 people if we let them know in advance? This place is a bar with some of the best food you could imagine, and the front of the bar is loud, but the back is fairly quiet & conducive to conversation. It’s Three Aces Chicago. It’s been, every time I go, surprisingly more catering to the adults in the neighborhood than all the student drinkers in the area, which makes it nicer, I think.

Also, the food is awesome.

If it just ends up being the 4 of us in the thread, and possible significant others, I have a lot more ideas, but places for large gatherings, I only have one or two ideas.

ETA: I’m sure there’s good stuff in the LP area also. The only places I know up there, though, are the Goose Island brewpub, Burger Bar, and Franks’n’Dawgs. That last one isn’t going to be good for a meet-up at all, though.

We are really flexible. We’re probably annoyingly flexible, really.

Okay, cool. Well, let’s tentatively put it at the Goose Island Brew Pub in Lincoln Park. What time will you be available?

Our train gets in around 4:15. Leaving time to get to the hotel and then the pub, maybe 5:30 or later? We wouldn’t mind meeting at 8, either, since banjoDavid mentioned he won’t be available until then.

Ack! I’m in New York that day otherwise I would be up for it.

Possibly but I’ll know more closer to the day.

Let’s do it!
8 pm
Goose Island Brew Pub
Be there or be square!


Okay, so, sounds like Goose Island is doable. If folks are up for dinner earlier, they do decent food there, and I’m happy to meet earlier & eat, or I’m happy to just hang out & have a beer or two.

So, if you would like to meet earlier & have dinner, let me know, say by Tuesday. I’ll call Tuesday evening and make a reservation for Thursday, especially if we have a big crowd. So, if you’re lurking & thinking about coming, please pipe up enough to say so, so we can get a head-count.

I can be there about 7:30, and I also posted a notice in Straight Dope Chicago.
We’ll see what happens

Thanks for puttin’ this together, BlueKangaroo.

You’re welcome, banjoDavid. I’ll be sure to be there before 7:30 pm, then, if that’s when you’ll arrive. I’ll post once I’ve made reservations on Tuesday.

Also, in case anyone cares, Thursdays are the days they tap a new beer or two at the pub (not always “NEW”, but something that hasn’t been on in awhile, at least), in case anyone is influenced to come or not by that.

We’d be interested in meeting for dinner beforehand. How about dinner at 6:30 or 7?

I will definitely be there if MeanOldLady says she’ll show up. Otherwise, I’m a maybe. But if Goose Island finally gets the Bourbon County Stout out (a month late), I’m back to a definitely.

Remember: Separate checks. I’ve been to one Chicago Dopefest…never again.