There’s a possibility I might be in Chicago in March, (but not the time of the ChiDopeFest, I think. ) What is the weather likely to be? Am I going to freeze my Florida born-and-bred rear end off? If I go, what should I try to see? I need some help here, please, peoples…
Chicago weather in March is even more unpredictable that Chicago weather the rest of the year. “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” It’s not uncommon to have significant snowfall in March, but it usually melts fairly quickly. It’s also not unusual to have days in the upper 40s/low 50s.
Well the record high in march was 84(1986.And the record low was 0 (1962).So you never really know what the weather is going to be like.But i’d recommend alot of warm clothes.
And maybe a T-shirt and some shorts.
Layers. Layers are your friends.
I doubt you’ll need shorts, but who knows? I’d guess 1 pair of heavy slacks and 1 light, then a combination of lightweight shirts, sweater and a jacket. You can add or peel off as needed.
Oh, and a hat and a coat; a full-length heavy raincoat would be great. They don’t call it The Windy City for nothing, and it can cut through you like a knife. Not that I’m for one moment implying that our, um, eccentric Midwestern climate isn’t delightful in its own contrary, frustrating way. <–massive dose of irony
If nothing else a blast of polar air is an EXCELLENT reason to dive into a jazz club, a cosy Terkelian bar, etc.
Thanks! I don’t know for sure if I’ll be going to Chicago or not, but it’s a good chance. I’ll be going for training, and the training is in many different cities, just a matter of working out which one. Right now my choices are limited unless I want to put it off until May or so…rather get it done sooner than later.