Chick tracks...are these things for real?

Found a parody site:

Chick Tract parody site

It has been a long time since I have seen a Chick Tract, but it is always fun to hear about them on the SDMB! I remember having this vague feeling that the person writing the tracts was doing them as a subtle parody of Fundamentalist beliefs! I guess I was wrong!

Okay, see, this is what is just so confusing about the fundies. Are these the guys who take the Bible literally? 'Cuz if so, why would they turn around and protray the Virgin Mary as a cult leader working for Satan? I mean, is it only the Old Testament that’s literal to them, but the New Testament is whatever they want it to be? I’m so :confused: !

In Chick’s view, Mary herself was never a cult leader; it’s the RCC that made a Satanic cult of her veneration – Satanic because it practically elevates her above Jesus.

I like the “African” version.

Also, I beat my meat to that drawing he made in the adultery panel. Thanks, Chick.

~~Bolding by Bosda.
You were using them for rolling papers, weren’t you? :smiley:

Who will be eaten first?

Yeah, well, see how damn ineffective their “witnessing” is? I’m a college grad-ee-ate, and even I got confused about what they were trying to say. I can’t believe I’m too damn dumb to figure out a comic!

BTW, I loved the cop’s quip in **Der Trihs’ ** post – I don’t know where you find these gems, but I love them!

You bastard. I had oral surgery yesterday afternoon and you made me laugh out loud. More vicodin and ibuprofin please. :slight_smile:

That is my favorite. I’ve got it hanging up in my cubicle.

What other side ? I used the term “true believer” to be as unspecific as possible.

That is so, Der Trihs.

As William F. Buckley once said, you have your own gods, and they are fiercely worshiped.

WOW! :eek: Link? Please? :smiley:


I don’t support **Der Trihs ** when he goes extreme, but I need you to explain what gods are you talking about here.

Sorry, it was a news story I heard quite a few years ago.

It probably confuses the issue that the Catholic term for the system of Marian or Saint veneration is “the cult of the Virgin” or “the cult of the Saints”. “Cult” should pretty much be retired as a word. It technically means any system of worship but now is taken to mean any religion one considers false or excessive.