ChiDope Summer 2005-the Final Plans

We are barely a week away but you can still join us.

Giordanos Pizza at Prudential Plaza
4 PM on Saturday, August 6th

Be there or, well, if SDMB standards continue, be there AND be square! :wink:

This square’ll be there!

Is that the entirety of the ChiDope?


I might be there, too.

Actually, I’m planning to be there, hope I can be there, but something might come up.

Anyhow - please tell me this is separate checks.

Let’s just say it is the entirety of what has been planned at this point. This one is looking to be relatively small so any post-dinner plans can be made at dinner.

Of course not–I love ordering a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of water and then splitting the check so I pay the same as the person who had the surf and turf and a magnum of champagne! :smack:

No, I hate doing that, but since pizza is a communal food it might call for some fancy arithmetic.

sigh Can’t make it. I’m supposed to be GMing a game of 7th sea.

If you guys wanna stop over afterwords… :wink:

I just remembered this today and wondered if this was still on.

Can we bring families? I’m OK if that is not cool (in fact, I would rather not, but may not have a choice in the matter).
And let me apologize for dropping the ball here and now. I should have looked into more details, as I promised.

I would prefer separate checks; I think it’s easier (for us, not the wait staff).

See ya on Saturday!

Now I’m sadder than before.

Back of my head kept saying “No. SKIP Cory’s graduation party, hell, it’s 8th grade for christsake, not high school or anything like that. Besides you hardly know the kid”

But no, bus wife insists we are going to the party…“they came to bus kid’s party and we’re going to theirs.”

So, have a ball, eat lots of pizza, get fat and drunk…


Could I ask an embarassinlgy stupid question?

Where is the Prudential Plaza? If I get off the Metra at Randolph, is it right there on Michigan?
(I’ve only lived here for 39 years…cut me some slack!).

My 13 y/o son who lurks here wants to come…izzat ok?

Ditto for me; I’ll be working downtown till 3:30 and should be able to make it across the Loop by 4. I could use something better to do on Saturday than go home and do housework.

Yes, it’s right there on the east side of Michigan, actually just north of Randolph. If you walk north on the east side of Michigan you can’t miss it.

I, of course will miss it.

Damn Cory.

Ah, but I can not eat pizza! (allergic to tomatoes, much more exictement than anyone would want while eating)

By the way - they have pretty good salads, too - it’s not just pizza, so anyone on a diet or whatever can be acoomodated.

Exit the station at Randolph and Michigan.

Walk 1 block north to Lake and Michigan

Turn east, cross Michigan Avenue, and walk 1/2 block east to little side-street whose name I can’t remember even though I walk down it every day.

You are now at a big plaza with shrubs and flowers and fountains. That is Prudential Plaza

You should be able to easily spot the Giordano’s sign - it’s on the south west corner of the Plaza itself.

There actually is an exit to the station almost directly under Giordano’s, but it’s not terribly obvious so I thought I’d base instructions on the entrance/exit you mentioned.

By the way - how do we find each other? Barge into the restaurant and yell “HEY DOPERS!”?

That’s a little dorky even for this board.

Speaking of which, you do realize that you planned ChiDope for the same weekend that the ComiCon’s in town? Hey, Gene Colan and Mick Foley are going to be there!

That’s basically how I found them at the Cafe 28 thing a couple years ago.

Cecil will be one of the pizza servers. Don’t tell anyone.

I plan on apprpaching every group of diners, whispering–do you Dope?

I should be kicked out within 5 minutes, if I don’t find you first!

Not knowing the weather, Ihave no idea what I’m wearing, but I have long blonde hair (worn up in this weather) and blue eyes. Does that help? (joke)
Actually, look for the stunningly attractive woman with vitiligo–that’s me! (hee!).
And thank you upthread for MY kinda directtions. That’s exactly what I needed (and I can never remember the name of that street either). I know I know where this is, Ijust wanted to be sure…

I’ll make reservations (if they take reservations) for the Cecil Adams party (it’s traditional). I personally have no problems with kids if you aren’t embarassed with them seeing how dorky your friends are, though with ArrMatey! doing whatever it is he’ll be doing and Chairman Pow at the ComiCon our cool factor should rise considerably. :smiley:

I’ll need a count for the reservation. So far we have:

eleanor’s son
BrattiAtti’s sister
The Big Cheese
Good Egg

That’s 19 plus another if dropwife comes along. A pretty good turnout!

Got another question…

Do we call each other dropzone etc? I’ll just call you whatever you want me to call you!

I can’t remember names, so please bear with me…(blanches at the thought of having to remember 2 names for one person at the same time).
Yes, I am pathetic.

This sounds like alot of fun–looking forward to Saturday!