Chinese Character Help

There is a shipdocked in Portland called the Hebei Treasure, but the characters for treasure don’t seem to match what I would think they should. The last character looks like “fu” and I don’t recognize the 3rd character. Help?

The characters are:
Hébĕi Xìngfú

Meaning: Hebei Happiness

Damn, beaten to it.

BUT, neat tip here. Whenever I get something like this, I use the awesome Flash Chinese character recognition application at

Bookmark that: it’s invaluable.

Thank you both.

There’s a similar feature built into Windows if you have East Asian language support installed. When I’m faced with a problem character I usually prefer to use WWWJDIC’s multiradical kanji search instead, though.

Jimm is literally correct. no one would argue that ‘treasure’ would be out of context for a translation to capture the spirit. A tradng ship represents treasure/wealth/happiness etc. In english, treasure is not out of context…

this is a japanese site and YMMV with Chinese meanings.

Looks like a Chinese site to me…

I stand corrected, man do I need new contacts or what. Not sure what I typed in but it wasn’t LINE Dictionary : English-Thai, Chinese-English, English-Chinese Dictionary