Christian hair and makeup artists?

Every time I happen to flick onto one of those christian television stations, I end up
watching in amazement. What is with those hairdos, makeup and clothes? Do they all have the same makeup and hair people? Is it possible they really don’t know how ridiculous they look? I would tend to take them a little more seriously if if wasn’t for the pink bouffants, tons of eye makeup. frilly dresses, and all the grease in the mens’ hair. Anyone have any thoughts or explanations?
Maybe the fact that it hypnotizes me into watching …hmmmmmm…

Just a thought. It may have something to do with geography.
For example, beauticians from the North East who move to the Dallas area seem to have horrible reactions to society matrons wearing “Big Hair.”
It’s a reaction they had better get over in a hurry if they want to be successful in their trade.
A lot of the TV programs you are exposed to may be taped in a “Big Hair” city.

Maybe, Doug, but I think there’s something else at work here. I’ve been through the south, and average women don’t look like that. Nor do the men. Funny thing, people who frequent bars do.
Opinions from southerners, please.
I, like Kristie, am baffled by this.

Work like you don’t need the money…
Love like you’ve never been hurt…
Dance like nobody’s watching! Source???

I thought it came from the Gospel of Matthew, or maybe of Mark, or perhaps of Mindy, I forget which, when Joseph (Jesus’ earthly daddy, you remember, the guy who couldn’t call ahead to reserve a room at the Bethlehem Marriott?)… where was I? Oh, yeah, Joseph says to Jesus, “Hey, you bum! Get a haircut! Stop lounging around with those no-job friends of yours! You look like a hippie!”

Tammy Faye really set the tone…

I once thought this too. However the best (worst?) examples of this fashion disfunction are the folks on Trinity Broadcasting Network which comes out of Southern California.

>Every time I happen to flick onto one of those christian television stations, I end up watching in amazement. What is with those hairdos, makeup and clothes?< --Kristi

>>It may have something to do with geography. For example, beauticians from the North East who move to the Dallas area seem to have horrible reactions to society matrons wearing “Big Hair.”<< --Doug Bowe

A former roommate of mine, whenever she was channel surfing, and passed the Christian Network, would comment “The higher the hair, the closer to G-d.”

Shopping is still cheaper than therapy. --my Aunt Franny

PapaBear, I believe TBN’s world headquarters is in Nashville, TN (actually Hendersonville, TN-right outside N’vill). They do quite a bit of taping there; it’s the old Conway Twitty “Twitty City”. However, you’re right in that they do some taping in SoCal. I don’t know how much. Maybe they split the time. We lived in Nashville for 3-1/2 years and when my in-laws came to visit, they just hadto visit there. We went but I found the merchandising pretty disgusting; different strokes for different folks, I guess. With Nashville’s heritage for big-haired country music (well, maybe not current country stars), maybe the link between Southern Gospel, Country, and Bluegrass have helped spread the Big Hair/Heavy Makeup virus.

Thanks, BunnyGirl. You don’t know how relieved I am that I’m not likely to bump into that scarey clown faced woman next time I go to South Coast Plaza. TBN has erected the most groteseque building on the most expensive property in Orange County, CA. Driving down the 405 freeway, you can’t help but notice this royal purple and gold gilt monstosity.

Just like to add a postscript- I’m in Central Florida and some of the stations I’ve seen are in fact local. True, I am in the South, but I wouldn’t consider the area what people would term “southern”. I guess there isn’t any explanation for it. They probably do indeed think they look good!
BTW- I once saw Tammy Faye in a mall in Orlando, and it was just as scary in person as in was on TV. Yikes.

Just wait until you see it at Christmas time! At first I thought the UFOs had finally come to take me away. The “Christmas” lights were actually left on for several weeks after the new year.

Jacques Kilchoer
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

Stray memory:

I was once watching TBN with a friend, just for laughs. They had just put up a new aerial and gone international. So they got some helicopter pilot to fly above the aerial and annoint (ie, dump a bucket of oil) on it. This guy then goes on the air to give testimony about the spiritual experience of annointing this aerial.

Shopping is still cheaper than therapy. --my Aunt Franny

We in the gay and lesbian community (who know good hair when we see it) refer to this as the “the higher the hair, the closer to God” phenomenon.