I recall a thread last year where carmakers were bashed for running ads telling you that you should buy your loved one a brand new car with a big red bow on it for Christmas. My sentiments exactly (the bashing, that is). Unless you’re the “1%”, it’s pretty insulting.
But this year we’re seeing ads with Santa or other Holiday themes in them, not all of which directly imply that the cars should be given as gifts.
I’m wondering if carmakers have gotten enough complaints by now to make them come up with some different themes for their seasonal ads.
Lexus has very irritating buy-your-spouse-a-secret-car theme to their commercials. But it’s only for the very, very Lexus-y. The kind of Lexus lovers who know ther Lexus Christmas Theme Song is.
Then there is the opposite with Cuddy from Rules Of Engagement. The one where he says only millionaires buy people cars for Christmas. And then says the car with the bow on it is for his niece.
I know you’re joking, but obviously if you’re going to buy someone a car for Christmas, you probably don’t need to finance it, and frankly when you can afford to buy a luxury car without financing it, insurance costs aren’t really that big of a deal…
It’s not a “Buy your loved one a car for Christmas” ad, but the holiday car commercial that boils my blood is the one where the adult son comes home for Christmas in his Audi and his parents take off in it as soon as he walks in. There’s just something about the whole thing (the son, the dad, the mom, the house, the dad’s line “He’ll be fine.”) that just screams “Douchey white assholes!” Apparently it’s supposed to be a “funny” commercial, though. Maybe if you’re a douchey white asshole it is.
Really? I can’t imagine why it would bother you that much. Personally, I was wondering if Lexus would sell or let you borrow a music box that could play that tune. (I know that they stockpile the giant red bows if you want to adorn your new car with one of those.)
I find it amusing that Lexus is trying to establish their very own “you got a car for the holidays” theme music, but they picked the most generic, unrecognizable possible little jingle. Even if you promised me a car for my effort, I don’t think I could pick that theme out from a crowd of 10 random holiday ringtones.
Have you seen the latest Honda commercial with Patrick Warburton?
As he approaches a car with a big red bow on top:
“Are you a millionaire? Then you probably don’t give cars as gifts to people.”
…knocks off big red bow.
I laughed heartily. Delivered as only Patrick Warburton could.
I keep wondering why the hell he left the keys in the car. I can understand leaving it unlocked, but who’s stupid enough to leave their keys in the car?
Unless the parents hotwired it, I suppose. But in that case, he should have locked it, too.
Yeah, yeah, it’s fun to bash these commercials.
But really, I highly doubt the folks at Lexus are counting on very many people literally doing the big-red-bow thing on Chritmas morning. Instead, it gives their product lots of visibility this time of year and gets people (like us!) talking about the ads. And for that reason I suspect it’s a pretty successful campaign.
So that’s a jingle Lexus made up? It’s been driving me crazy that I couldn’t figure out why people would be hearing that tune and getting a look of recognition on their faces because I couldn’t place it. But if it’s a jingle, now I hate them even more.
The only people that believe this work in advertising.
Amen to that. Did you notice the Guitar Hero title of the “song” mom is playing (the stupid-ass Lexus holiday jingle, I mean)? It’s something like “Mom’s Present, by World’s Best Dad” or something sickeningly sweet (and unimaginative) like that. There’s also two other presumably made-up song titles in that playlist that he ad writers probably spent more time on than the entire concept of this campaign. (Why, yes, I do have a DVR with a pause button and too much time on my hands. Why do you ask?)
Another thing about the Lexus ads that bug me - apparently they couldn’t spring for more than one speaking part per commercial. Okay, in the Guitar Hero one, both the dad and mom speak, but notice in all the others, here’s only one person who actually talks. The music box one, for example. As mom plays the exquisite, obviously very special music box especially brought out by her husband, she says not a word. Not, “Oh, that’s so pretty!” or “Oh, you shouldn’t have” or “Oh, what’s this all about?” Even when she figures out the tune (and come on, we all know the Lexus holiday jingle, right? it’s a holiday tradition, like Burl Ives or Patsy & Elmo), she can’t speak, but only gasp like a freshly caught fish.
It’s just so obvious they didn’t want to spring for the extra expense of another speaking role. It rings really false and it bugs me.
I agree. An advertising guy was
[quoted in the New York Times]
(http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/15/business/media/15adco.html), “It is such an extravagant notion that it makes the commercial memorable. It makes it interesting, and it reinforces Lexus’s position as a luxury brand.” And apparently they’ve been doing this since 1998.