Setting up the Chuck thread early for once…
In tonight’s episode, Sarah is replaced by a cylon (aka Tricia Helfer). The fanservice possibilities are endless.
Setting up the Chuck thread early for once…
In tonight’s episode, Sarah is replaced by a cylon (aka Tricia Helfer). The fanservice possibilities are endless.
I really liked this episode, and was glad to see that Devon maybe recognized Chuck after he was tranquilized but before he lost consciousness. I really hope this leads to he and Ellie finding out about his double life and maybe moving them away from the Buy More a little bit.
I really liked Casey standing up for Sarah as well. It’s nice to see him have just a little softness.
This was a great, tightly-written episode integrating all facets of Chuck’s life. Tricia Helfer did good job making her character seem unlikeable; I never would have expected that. I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see some hot Sarah-on-Cylon action, but at least we got to see some hot Number Six stripper action. Nice shoutouts to both Battlestar Galactica and Spies Like Us.
Oho! Thanks to the unknown mod for fixing my thread title!
This was the first time that I’d ever taped Chuck. I’d seen a couple of episodes on flights and found it charming, so then watched the episode last week.
So, I came home from the store to find a weird sound and no audio about 10 minutes in, then a bad cut to an NBC News conference about Obama, which I think was a remnant of a news announcement from yesterday, then occasionally the station would lose the signal and get a pattern, then more video with noise, then finally corrected after about 10 minutes.
I think that the gods don’t want me to watch the show. Either that or the Tampa NBC affiliate has it’s head up it’s bum.
Past episodes of Chuck are on Hulu. Tonight’s episode should be available tomorrow.
I had the same problem but I’m also in the same area as you. The awful noise started so I turned on closed captioning and thought I had foiled it but then the picture switched to Brian Williams and the sound came back for Chuck, then back to the Chuck picture with Brian Williams sound and back and forth a couple times.
I thought the resolution was awfully fast. Chuck says his piece, the general agrees, Sarah’s back, yay!:dubious: But I liked the episode.
She was very unlikeable over on *Burn Notice *as well. Its funny, her turn as a baby killing robot may be the most sympathic role I have seen her in.
I think she was already inclined to agree with Chuck. It’s just Casey agreeing with him [Chuck] put her over the top. Casey agreeing with Chuck is rare enough that it would cause the General to notice. Plus Casey is from the same organization as the General.
Speaking of which, why has no one replaced the CIA Director that blew up with the new Intersect?
Budgetary considerations, both real and in show, I would guess.
Did anyone else think the Subway product placement was a bit…heavy handed? Distractingly so?
Well, they’re trying to keep the intersect secret as tight lipped as possible, and Fulcrum is all over the CIA. It’s hard to know who is to be trusted and who isn’t.
Does anyone know if Chuck has been picked up yet for season 3? I saw on some blog that it was a favorite at NBC, but that doesn’t mean much of anything.
What was the point of purposely not showing Chuck’s dad opening the trailer door, and then immediately revealing who he is in the previews? Kind of defeats the purpose.
The scene with Casey and the female agent cleaning their weapons was so over-the-top it was actually almost funny. And once again, Casey gets the crap job when going undercover.
Jeff hired his own sister to entertain at the bachelor party. Ew.
Is anybody else confused by Awesomes surgery performance? I mean the surgery obviously happened after Casey stole the Key-card, but how was Awesome the surgeon if the next scene showed him waking up with a hangover? Did he do it while tranqued out?
The show is made by the producers, but the promos are made by the network. Also, this way they can show who Chuck’s dad is without paying the actor for an additional episodes that he would be in for all of five seconds.
The denouement did seem rather aburpt to me, but I can appreciate the writers focusing on the core Chuck/Sarah/Intersect dynamic rather than having too many balls in the air at once.
Yeah, that kind of pissed me off as well. I think the preview is put together by the network rather than the produces of the show, so you can blame NBC.
yeah - clearly the cap did not do the surgery - why his name was at the top of the list makes no sense - other than for plot purposes.
The pics that Ellie saw also could not have taken place - Caprica had stopped her routine directly after tranquing(?) awesome…
You’d also think the CIA would know its bug could be detected.
The smart thing would be to program the bug to transmit only briefly once an hour or once a day and be passive at all other times. The likelyhood of detecting it actively trasmitting goes way down.