Church of the Subgenius

Is the Church of the Subgenius a true religion? If so, what are their beliefs?

check out this link for more information on the Church of the SubGenius. They are, to my knowledge, a Discordian movement. HTH.

Here’s a Mailbag article on this:

What’s the deal with the Church of the Subgenius?


Thank you k.os and Arjuna34 for your quick reply. I actually visited their website before I posted my question, but came away from their site very much more confused then educated. Cecil’s article answered my questions. :slight_smile:

A couple of years ago, I went “all-over mystical” with a girl and we were getting into Platonism, alchemy, hermeticism, and generally having what Ginsberg called “Mystical visions and cosmic vibrations.” A good time, all in all. Then, I showed her the subgenius video “Arise,” and she had an epiphany. She kept saying… “Oh my God, it’s all true!” Maybe it was all the MDMA, but she got a lot more out of it than the “serious” esoterica.


It’s a gag. My old roommate had a bunch of subgenius stuff, and we used to have a pretty good chuckle over it.

Remember, ‘slack’ is your friend. J.R. “Bob” Dobbs is the man.

Send $127.52 to:

Ben Canti… uh, I mean, Master Of All JHVH’s Slack
3405 Spring Creek Pl
Boulder, CO, 80301

-Ben :smiley:

He’s a newbie, Euty.[sub](like I’m not)[/sub] He knows not what he does. I noticed the esteemed author’s name immediately.:wink:


Sorry to hijack, but I recently saw, on a website somewhere, those little Jesus fish for sale (you know, the magnetic ones you put on your car), except they said BOB inside, and the fish was smoking a pipe. Has anyone else seen this, and if so, do you know if they’re really for sale, or just a joke?

I dunno, but I WANT one.

Here’s a cool site with lots of different ‘fish’ on it:

(SAT II Writing Tutor Grammar-snot hat on)

“Its” gets an apostrophe when there’s a letter missing.

I know I’m a big jerk, but it’s really late.