Cindy, that is not a fast...(complete this pitting)

Okay, I see it now. She’s on a hunger strike but she’s doing stuff that negates the effects of hunger striking. Wow. That’s not fasting and it’s not a hunger strike. It’s a new fad diet!

It depends on the religion; I’m not sure if this is true of all Muslims, but many of them at least don’t even drink water during the day during the Ramadan fast - obviously something that wouldn’t be possible during a longer fast. A friend of mine confided a few years ago that she was breaking the rules just by brushing her teeth during the day, but she couldn’t stand the icky feeling in her mouth. Traditional ‘fasting’ as practiced by the Catholic Church back in the old days permitted one full meal and two small meals during the day - obviously they intended for the faithful to deprive themselves, but not too much.

At any rate, like Cindy Sheehan, I’ve been on a hunger strike today. I only had a cup of yogurt in order to get some protein. And a bag of popcorn. Also, I got some fried cauliflower, hummus, and Lebanese salad at the Middle Eastern place by my office. Plus I went to Subway after work for a foot-long veggie with double pepper jack cheese. And some chocolate chip cookies.

You have to make sure to get lots of protein and complex carbohydrates to keep your strength up when you’re hunger striking.

She’s being funded primarily by right-wingers, isn’t she? Why, oh why can’t my team have the self-interested pragmatism to rid ourselves of highly visible loonies?

Well, now that my lament is out of the way, let’s see if I can come up with anything even approaching luci’s brilliant contribution…

How 'bout this?

Cindy, that’s not a fast, that’s a fast-track to handing the Pubbies the best PR they could hope for this year!

Oh, well; maybe “We’re not Cindy Sheehan” will work about as well for them this year as “I’m not Bush” worked for Kerry. I can only hope.

And the thing of it is that no one would even know, if she had not posted her pursuit of vanilla ice cream on her blog… :smack:

I know it’s already been commented on, but that was brilliant. Brilliant! Have a Guiness on me. :slight_smile:

If Cindy Sheehan was the party’s biggest problem, they’d be doing great.

Excalibre, of course you’re right; I was thinking only of my own experiences with the Hindu religion at that point. And to be honest I am quite sure there are fasts in the Hindu religion that go without water. Every house prays to its own gods, after all, and has a different form and method of praying…so I’m sure the fasting varies, too.

She’s certainly not helping.

“That’s not a fast, that’s a knife.”

“I see you’ve played knifey-fasty game before.”

Damn you for posting this before me. And damn you for my not reading your post and posting it again.

For the love of the old gods, you miserable hag! Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound? DO you? Can you appreciate that Rush himself couldn’t come up with this stuff? You do more damage to your cause with one little post than the entire right-wing conspiracy engine could crank out in a lifetime of venom filled orgies? Take your fucking smoothie and go home, do the world a favor and stop trying to help! YOU’RE TOURING ITALY?? That’ll show them! One smoothie for breakfast as you enjoy the soft air. SHUT UP! Just shut the fuck up. You know all those people that are giving you advice? The ones that say things like “If we want to hammer this home to the American people, you should NOT complain about how hard it is to get a good smoothie in Italy”? Those people are SMARTER THAN YOU. Stop breathing my air and wasting valuable fossil fuels, the very air that your son…
No, that’s tacky.
In your little story about the hardships of touring Europe you say -
“The Troops Home Fast is a moral response to an immoral act. We can, and must be, morally strong so we can feast on the day that the last troop is brought home from the war crime in Iraq.”
So as long as you are morally strong you can be mentally dead?

No, that was just weak.

Sorry, best I can do on a Friday…

She’s not helping, but so fucking what? Her 15 minutes have long since run out, and nobody outside of the right-wingers who love to hate her and the left-wingers who like her are paying attention. Well, okay, there’s a nonpartisan group who is just annoyed by her. The way some people obsess about “handing the Pubbies PR” is ridiculous. The next elections are in November, and who the fuck is going to be talking about Cindy Sheehan eating an ice cream in November? People won’t even be going to the ice cream parlors. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cindy, that is not a fast… but election day is coming faster than we thought and we have to deflect attention from Exxon making a million a minute in windfall profits on internet message boards somehow.

…where "saving the people of Iraq and our soldiers. " means "Cindy Sheehan. :rolleyes:

There are such a thing as “juice fasts”, used to lose weight and clean out your system. Jamba Juice is a godsend for those.

However, on a protest fast, one eats nothing (I am OK with water and if the Doc hangs a bannan bag on you, nothing else). That includes Ice cream. :rolleyes:

Internet message boards are THAT profitable? Hot damn, maybe we’ll finally get a decent upgrade to the servers!

I’ve got you beat-all I’ve had today was some fat free, low-cal yogurt! No sugar!
Seriously, is anyone still listening to this woman? Let alone taking her seriously?

Cindy, get some therapy. Please.

Christ, that woman is at 18 minutes and counting…

This is what I keep thinking. I am actually starting to feel really, really sorry for her. What happened to her is a horrible tragedy, but I am not sure her actions are really doing anything to reduce her pain…if anything, she is dwelling in it. Things like this are SUPPOSED to hurt. They hurt really, really, bad. And eventually, you feel better and move on. If you can’t, then you need some help.

I am struck by a quote from Paul Newman on the death of his son. When asked how long it took to “get better”, he brusquely replied “It doesn’t get better. It gets different, but it doesn’t get better.”