Circle Jerk!?

You misspelled that. :wink:

I’d say it happens but isn’t all that common. I don’t know anyone that’s actually participated in one or seen one - it’s always “I know a guy that…” Certainly, I’ve never seen the appeal.

Our (all-boys) gym class had to do a unit on health, which included some sex ed. The (male) gym teacher was lecturing and he asked us, “True or false: all teenage boys masturbate.” This was followed by a chorus of no’s, sardonic laughter and jeering. He replied, “No, studies have shown that all boys do masturbate.”

And the room went dead silent.

a friend once regaled me with a tale of circle-jerking whilst in a boys detention home…the way he described the event as going down was that it was more like a race to jizz into the center of the circle as the last man “standing” was obligated to ingest the community goo… to this day I can’t eat yogurt

I’ve heard this story. The tale, as told here, was of the “sugar cookie.” A cookie would be placed in the middle of the circle, and last man standing… (ETA: I apologize if I’ve ruined sugar cookies for you or anyone else reading this thread.)

I personally have never heard of anyone admitting to this whole “circle jerk” thing. We heard about it, and I remember reading it in something like “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask),” but no real-life accounts. Everybody thought it a bit bizarre, and I just chalked it up to urban legend, though I believe it must have happened somewhere.

I can’t imagine why anyone would want to do it. Wouldn’t you have to be sexually excited by the others in the circle??? Else, what would be the point?

It had nothing to do with being excited about seeing other guys jerk off at least it didn’t for me. It was about boredom, novelty, competitiveness and lack of privacy in general when someone popped in a porn tape back when those things weren’t common or very accessible for most teenagers. It isn’t something that you plan. You would just be on a camping trip or at a party where everyone was drunk and someone would make a dare to someone else to get the ball rolling and other people would just join in. I can never resist a contest no matter how stupid. Then again, it may have been somewhat unique to the deviants that I grew up with. My 20 year high school reunion (all 38 people still living) 3 years ago was held at a private house and broke out into a spontaneous porn showing yet again after all those years (I didn’t attend but I was told the spouses from other places were appalled at the turn of events).

It isn’t like they happened constantly. I only witnessed about 10 of them over a few years. Stunts with cars, explosives and firearms were much more popular but someone always had to mix things up after a while. I greatly preferred the stripping contests that included the girls.

This thread is starting to confirm what I have always suspected but could never prove. Some of my formative years weren’t the typical American Dream like lifestyle. It got a lot more normal after that but somehow I will always miss those days (not the circle jerks at all, just the anarchy and general deviancy). It wouldn’t make a good episode of the Wonder Years or even Glee but it just goes to show you that experiences can differ wildly from one location to another even within the same general area.

I remember my best friend in high school describing the practice (though I’m not sure if this term was used) and ascribing it to a kid who lived up the street from me and some of his friends. This would have been in the mid- to late-60s. But it’s entirely plausible that it was the stuff of urban legend. My friend may have been told about it, but he didn’t witness it.

I was going to add the tale of John Lennon’s unique approach to the group wank sessions he and his mates participated in, but I see the linked story already has it.

I went to the boarding section of a mixed boarding school/day school, and in such an environment you very quickly adapt to things like being naked in front of others. The school was unique in that it was a co-ed boarding school. Girls had first been admitted in 1979, and when i started Grade 7 in 1981 there were girls in all 6 high-school grades. The living areas of the boarding school, though, were strictly segregated by sex. No boys allowed in girls’ blocks at any time, and vice versa, with alarms activated on the girls’ blocks after lights out at night.

The boarding school living areas had older buildings (dating back to the early 20th century), and newer buildings, constructed in the 1970s. All the older buildings were boys’ living areas. The shower blocks in the older buildings all had rows of open showers. There was a divider between each shower, so you couldn’t see the other people who were showering on either side of you, but there were no doors or curtains on the front of the showers, so anyone who was waiting could see you while you soaped, washed your hair, etc. This also meant no jerking off in the showers (probably one of the reasons for the open showers in the first place).

I remember my first day in there, as an 11 year old, being both nervous and also sort of fascinated by the whole spectacle of naked boys everywhere, from kids my own age up to 18 year olds. Very quickly, though, it just became the norm, and walking around in the bathrooms with nothing on, in front of a bunch of other guys, was completely routine. The fact that school rules required all boarders to shower twice a day meant that you had to get used to it. The dormitories themselves also offered little privacy from others in the room.

Despite that, though, the idea of public or group masturbation would have horrified us, all the way up to grade 12 graduation age. There was a sort of unspoken understanding that jerking off was part of life, but it was something you did alone and away from the prying eyes of others, and anyone who got busted was ribbed mercilessly. Everyone had heard of Soggy Sao, as it was called in Australia, but it was spoken of in disgusted tones, and i think most of us thought of it as a sort of urban legend. The culture was also, in general, very homophobic, and you didn’t want to do anything to suggest that you might be gay or you would be bullied—not physically, but teased, hounded, and ostracized.

There was always some porn doing the rounds in the boarding school. It was usually pretty tame stuff like Penthouse, but as we got older there were people who got their hands on hardcore stuff. In Grade 12, we had our own common room (mixed, boys and girls), with a TV and VCR, and on a few occasions someone brought a hardcore porn tape and we would pop it in and all watch it together (with someone standing lookout in case a teacher came). There was no jerking off in public though, and most of the viewing experience consisted of a sort of embarrassed bravado, where people would laugh or make comments about the performers. The presence of girls obviously had an effect on the atmosphere, and the shrieks of horrified and faux-horrified girls were part of the entertainment.

I’m trying to imagine what would possess a bunch of people in their late 30s to sit around and watch porn together. I guess none of them had done anything interesting enough in the 20 years since high school to warrant an actual conversation.

I have no real problem with porn, but a group of grown-ups putting it on at a reunion just seems really inappropriate and also ineffably lame and sad. I thought that part of the function of a reunion was to demonstrate that (at least some) people have actually grown up since high school.

Ya think?

Wasn’t there a circle jerk in Portnoy’s Complaint?

… which was a work of fiction, so I didn’t put that much credence in it.

Ya know, I am male and 64.9 as of today, and have never even heard of a circle jerk involving anything sexual.
I have heard the term used a couple of dozen times to describe some reciprocal activity of less than praise-worthy.

I know my pre- and trans-pubescent self would leave the area if any such activity were proposed.

Never actually thought the sexual version actually existed.

With something as bizarre as South Africa and the nature of military training BIL, USMC did it), I can believe they would find bizarre games.

Yeah, that would have been a tough sell to teenage me, “let’s watch each other jerk off and maybe jerk each other off, but you know, not in a gay way.”

We’re being jerked around.

Hey! Only Apartheid-era White conscript masturbatory practices, please. The rest of us did this sort of thing on our ace, in private.

Except for private school boys, where apocryphally the game was called “Milky Biscuit” - but the actual experiences I’ve heard of, the game was more a humiliate-the-newb thing, where the whole dorm dorm would be told they would be masturbating, first to orgasm wins. The light are turned off, and of course, all sorts of stroking sounds are heard. The new boy, eager to make an impression, works himself furiously, shouts out that he’s done, yay, winner!..only for the lights to come on and see that everyone else was faking, and there he stands, clutching his drippy detumescence, realisation and the accompanying shame finally hitting him as the whole dorm points and laughs. Until the next newb comes along and he gets to enact his revenge.

Private schools be fucked up, yo.

More specifically, at least the way I’ve always heard it, is that it describes a reciprocal activity that is self-congratulatory/of an “echo chamber” sort. Derives from the sexual meaning, I would think.

Whoever he is, he has a remarkably native grasp of colloquial Afrikaans terms for penises and masturbation. A lot of the word combos are ones I’ve encountered. This Afrikaans-speaking South African says “Seems legit!”.

But then again, I’m not disposed to think charitably of the 80s-era SANDF or the Apartheid regime in general. The way they censored things, an entire generation of young men was raised to think women had stars instead of nipples

Oh, and it may interest people that the Dr Aubrey Levin mentioned in that post was later convicted of several counts of sexual assault on male patients in Canada, where he fled after Apartheid collapsed. Which is right in line with my beliefs about most anti-homosexual activists.