I read in Men’s health magazine, I think it was a 1998 issue, don’t remember the month…that circumcision may destroy newborn and therefore fragile synapses in the brain associated with the relationship between pain and sex. The intense pain with no pain killer being the culprit.
True, the newborns don’t remember the pain, but the pain may cause irrepairable damage to the brain.
Not to mention that all the newborn wants is to be comfortable in it’s mothers arms. The separation causes unnecessary stress as well.
Here is why you should castrate your son in infancy:
First, castration in infancy is much simpler and less traumatic than castration later in life. Nowadays, infant castration is always carried out with anaesthesia, so it is painless. Castrated boys need never know they are “missing” anything at all.
Second, castrated males have much lower incidences of venereal disease than uncastrated males
Third, the prescence of testicles makes males vastly more vulnerable to testicular cancer.
Fourth, the testicles are very sensitive to pain. No uncastrated male who has ever been kicked in the groin would wish that kind of pain on his son.
Fifth, some people consider the bulges that testicles create in the scrotum to be unsightly.
Castration of youths has a grand tradition, creating elite classes of vocalists who can reach pitches no other male can reach. Castrated males have also historically had many employment opportunities closed to uncastrated males, including work for the wealthiest noblemen.
Boris, you’re scaring people - the subject is CIRCUMCISM, not CASTRATION.
Same area, vastly different procedure and results!
Any similarities between your reality and mine are purely coincidental.
Um, I believe he was making a point with that post…
[[Um, I believe he was making a point with that post…]]
'cept it’s kinda hard to point when you don’t got a post.
He’s stil got the post, he’s just lost the means to make it point.
You guys crack me up.
Yes, I was just trying to make a point. Preferably in a way which would make you laugh. Castration and female circumcision make us cry “Barbarism!”, male circumcision makes us mumble about how it’s kind of a chore to wash under your foreskin. (Not that I would know.)
If you must know, I do have both testes, and I can’t sing soprano (although sometimes I try, falsetto and all, singing along with Portishead. Doesn’t quite sound right).
Frankly, I’m surprised that circumsizing pediatricians haven’t joined tobacco companies and gun manufacturers as litigation targets. Or maybe they have and I haven’t heard about it. In any case, it seems to violate the Hippocratic oath “First, do no harm…” I mean, if has small benefits and does a small amount of harm, you’re not supposed to do it, right? The benefits are supposed to substantially outweight the costs, not just offset them. Am I reading Hippocrates right? He’s not just a big box for storing large semi-aquatic mammals, is he?
I want my foresking back dammit!
You can see a teensy weensy Freudian slip at the end of my post. No, not a simple typo, honest! See how much this has messed me up??
What part of “I don’t know” don’t you understand?
Please tell us you’re not so messed up that you dress up the end of your post with teensy weensy women’s undergarments named for famous psychologists.
You’ll need to read the entire thread to "get " this one.
Ha! It took me about four readings to get your joke, Rocket. Excellent. Actually, my posts tend to be naked. Rats! More double entendre! I can’t stop!
Yes, but fore-skiing?
I understand that testes provide hormones. These hormones work with our glands and our
involved in metabolism. I heard Castrated males like Castrati singers were all overweight
Warning The surgeon general has determined life is hazardous to your health
I believe it’s your slip that’s showing now.
I think Boris B was referring to “fores-king”. But the skiing idea was interesting, if not somewhat painful.
Okay, I’ll bite.
Okay, if you’re really wondering, the Freudian slip I was talking about was spelling “foreskin” with a G on the end, as if it were the king. Like, circumcision is akin to killing off the king of my body. A better analogy would be the crown, but my slips don’t do analogies well.
I was hearing about the case of the boy whose glans was burned off by a faulty cauterizing iron. Since his penis was incomplete, the doctor convinced his mother to have his testicles and scrotum removed, and to have a vagina created surgically. The boy was raised as a girl, but felt like a boy all his life, and eventually sued.
Circumcise now! Because foreskins are icky!
This is my first post. I must say one thing.
OUCH! What a sore (hehe) subject. I think that if I were castrated as a young boy I might end up in a clock tower in college with a rifle! Circumsism is ok in my book, castration, you might as well take my arms and legs too!
Stay Positive,
No, the true nature of the Freudian slip was that Boris wants to be a forest-king. This way, he can prevent the mighty oak from being mutilated by the pruners.
For he is the Forest King! Hooray for the Forest King! It is, it is a glorious thing to be the Forest King!
Great oafs from little icons grow.
Or how about this, for a less extreme but still piquant example:
Cut off babies’ fifth toes at birth. Under anaesthetic, this is completely painless, and the benefits are many. A child can walk perfectly normally without a fifth toe; it removes the necessity of cleaning toejam from between the fourth and fifth toe; it prevents the formation of painful blisters and bunions on that toe; and it completely eliminates the risk of cancer of the fifth toe. Also, if you happen to be Victorian, it reduces the filthy habit of playing with the toes.