Surely no Doper would find these offensive?
Surely no Doper would find these offensive?
If I saw those without context I would assume they were meant to represent KKK costumes rather than ghosts. The pointy top in particular makes it look more like a hood than the usual “bedsheet ghost” costume.
Regardless of their intention, these guys should have been aware of potential misinterpretation. Posting that on Snapchat was pretty dumb.
If it’s a skit, where’s the audience? It looks like the guys in hoods are all crammed into someone’s dorm room. Is the audience sitting on the bed?
And what’s up with the guy in blue, who appears to be an adult? Has he been identified?
It looks to me like they cut holes in pillow cases for the hoods. By strange coincidence, in each case the eye holes were placed in such a way that the point of the pillow case would be directly on top of the wearer’s head.
Perfectly innocent pointy headed wink wink nudge nudge sheet ghosts.
The statement from The Citadel identifies him as “an upper class cadet.”
Do you actually think they look like they’re supposed to be ghosts?
Also makes them look like some of the ghosts in some of the versions of Casper.
Anyway, freshmen are dumb. It’s a defining characteristic. And getting freshman to do dumb things (rushing and hazing) is a legitmate training method, which is why it survives in military colleges, despite community opposition.
“Whether they are supposed to look like ghosts or not, we all know what they look like and they know what they look like and it’s just rude,”
Crazy. They look more like union busters than anything. A Klansman wears a whole bed sheet, not a flour bag.
My first reaction (pre-looking at picture) was that this was a bunch of guys with sheets over their heads in the classic ghost look and it was much ado over nothing. Then I looked at the pictures and yes, they could pass as Jr. Klansmen making do with what they had.
So at best stupid costuming, stupid posting picture, and while suspension might be overdone, they deserved getting a kick in the ass over it.
IMHO as always. YMMV.
I was prepared to think it was an overreaction.
But they look like Klan, not ghosts.
Dude looks like he’s 50.
Regardless of their costuming intentions, they look like total dorks.
“Ghosts of Christmas Past”? Specifically Dixie in 1864, right?
Even if we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they really had no idea they looked like klansmen, that only means their judgment - in performing the activity, and then uploading photographic proof - is so monumentally bad as to be worthy of severe rebuke. Do we really want people this fucking dumb in our military?
No, they usually wear separate pointed hoods and white robes. They don’t normally wear bedsheets (although ghosts do).
If these had been Yalies, we might have assumed ghosts. But given the location of college and the history in the area, it is unlikely they’d be assumed anything but Klan.
Again, probably a hazing stunt, but ill-considered. But if upperclassmen made them do it, perhaps the punishment landed on the wrong group.
I would guess that works well for keeping the pillow case properly oriented on your head so that the eye holes stay where you want them. If you put it on so that the top of your head is in the middle of the pillow case’s short end, hours of subversive activity will eventually have the pillow case migrating to the left or right.
I think the idea they didn’t know what they were doing is as likely as when Cartman dressed up as a ghost.
It’s kind of like dressing up like this and saying you meant to be Charlie Chaplin.
Charlie Brownhad a solution to that problem.