Cite Your Favourite Saturday Night Live "Commercial"

Not long after the twin-blade razors were introduced, SNL did a commercial about a new triple-blade razor, claiming the 3rd blade cut the beard even closer than the old two blade systems. What made it especially great were that it was done on film instead of video and without the regular cast, so you didn’t realize it was a joke until the tagline (“Because you’ll believe anything”). What makes it even funnier to think about today is that you can buy razors with four blades.

Maybe we could start an *SNL Predicts the Future * thread.

Coincidentially enough, tonight’s episode of SNL will be a “Best of Commercial Parodies” episode.

I’d love to see this again, but my computer at work doesn’t have Quicktime. Any Windows Media Player links?

“Ass Don’t Smell? But your ass doesn’t smell!”


My favourite is always going to be mom jeans.

I like all the Tina Fey era ads. The roll-on tattoo remover and huggies thong would probably round out my top 3.

I always liked the one with the pregnancy test where Maya Rudolf was hugely pregnant - don’t remember the name though

Here’s a handy reference for those of us who haven’t watched in a while.

My favorites:

Shimmer (It’s a floor wax AND a dessert topping!)
Little Chocolate Donuts

The Texxon Charity commercial (“Do as we say, and nobody gets hurt”)

Any of the music album parodies (Sold out Gold!)



I’d pick happy fun ball, but its been listed already. IIRC, wasn’t Happy Fun Ball one of those thow away bits near the end when they don’t think the funny stuff should be?

I’m utterly embarrased to admit that I laughed hysterically EVERY time that Dillon Edwards brokerage commercial stated the website name “www.clownpenis.fart.”

It SHOULDN’T be funny. It’s stupid. It’s childish.

But as my wife will attest, I was still laughing at it 10 minutes later.

“Compulsion” – the world’s most self-indulgent household cleaner

Little Chocolate Donuts is fantastic. I especially liked the part where Belushi is casually holding a burning cigarette in his other hand while explaining that “Little Chocolate Donuts have been on MY table since I was a kid.”

The Bass-O-Matic. Mmmm, what delicious bass!

Dan Ackroyd’s Crazy Eddie commercial–forget the name they used, but the point was that Crazy Eddie was REALLY crazy, selling TVs for 3 cents or something, and Dan was afraid to be alone in a room with him.

Del Slater’s Live Beef Restaurant: “YOU pick the cow! YOU slaughter it! YOU eat it!” Complete with Jane Curtin revving up the chainsaw.

Jewess Jeans. Even funnier if you lived in NY and saw those Hebrew National hot dog commercials everywhere. In the 80s they did a take-off with Moammar Khadafy Jeans, not quite as funny.

“Hey, You!” - the perfume for one-night stands (starting with Gilda picking up a guy in a bar and ending with her fleeing in a taxi early the next morning). Ah, the Seventies.

Finally, I forget the name of the cereal, but there was an elaborate parody complete with soft-focus, location farm shooting, and choral music about a cereal made of nothing but rocks. “It’s not grown–it’s mined!” Jane Curtin was the mom, in a gingham dress and everything, and the cereal was so loud to eat that the little girl of the family had to scream “Wow, crunchy!”

From a few weeks ago “taco time” was very funny.

Other than that my favs have been mentioned above.

The cereal was “Quarry”.
Nitpick: Del Stater ran the rabbit restaurant (where you picked your own rabbit). The beef restaurant was “Mel’s Char Palace” with Gilda as Mrs. Mel demonstrating how to use the chainsaw. Both very funny bits.
Forgot about “Hey, You”-- a classic!

/Chevy Chase Voide/: Tonight’s Weekend Update is brought to you by “Pussy Whip”–the first dessert topping for cats.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball!

My all-time favorite.

I also liked the commercial with Roeanne as the obnoxious phone operator and Phil Hartmann as the guy trying to report his missing credit card.

“So I said, why don’t you just call your mom and ask her for the money? Or better yet, take a check out of your wallet, roll it up real tight, and cram it!”

“She gave me several options…”

Petchow brand rat poison. Just add water, and it makes a rich, meaty poison gravy! So powerful it could kill animals much bigger than rats. Look for the bag with the picture of Old Shep on the front.

Cool list, thanks, but it’s hardly complete.

What about Amazin’ Laser? Or, what was that car that was designed to have “one big door”?

Am I the only one that remembers the product that gets rid of those unsightly extra fingers? I forget the name, but just paint it on your sixth or seventh fingers, and over the next few days, they gradually shrivel, turn black, and fall off. I’ll never forget Victoria Jackson’s before and after scenes. “That new secretary is really cute.” “Yeah…too bad about those extra fingers.”

Later. “Pick you up at seven?” “Let’s make it FIVE!”

From the makers of Toe-B-Gon.
Also, the Adobe.

Sorry…that was “Toe-Riffic”.

Here’s 2 very obscure ones (but IMHO) incredibly hilarious.

My favorite only ran once but it was hilarious. It started out with the classic Ronco question:
Has this ever happend to you?
• Has Tony Orlando ever shown up at your door and offered to rearrange your furniture?
• Are you tired of small animals charging their long distance calls to your telephone bill?

Wish I could remember more but I think I laughed myself off my chair after the first 10 seconds.

The second one starts out with a kid putting a paper clip in his mouth and then is warned about the danger of doing so. He is told the precise history of that very paper clip. Among other things it was used to attach the medical record to the blanket of a soldier suffering from dyssentary. It then found its way to a biological weapons lab and a host of other unsanitary locations. I believe it was sponsored by the Old Wives’ Tale Foundation.

Does anybody remember either of these?

Ballz Off! Now in Italian strength.